I guess family goes in this category, right? Anyways, I've long been aware that I make more money than each of my parents (not combined, but they are divorced so not like they have a combined income). Today made me feel even more aware of it, to the point of guilt.
My mom called me today and told me that while she was waiting at the light at the intersection right outside her apartment building, she saw two cars fly past her shooting guns at each other! Now she doesn't live in the best area, but it's not Compton either! However, she lives where she does because it is all she can afford and the area has been declining a lot (despite a total renovation of the local mall and the fact that there ARE some very affluent areas very nearby). It was so scary to hear about it because you hear all the time (at least here in LA) about innocent people being killed by stray bullets and today it could have been my mom.
I feel really bad because although I pay about the same rent she does, I live in a much better area and was just lucky to score rent control. And even though I make more than her, it's not like I'm rolling in dough to the point that I can pay for her to move. So what does one do??? I can't stand the thought of her staying there one more day!
That is so scary! Maybe if you have enough room at your place, your mom could come stay with you for a few weeks and try to find someplace in a better area?
Wow sweetie - I really don't know. It's kind of the reverse of "let the kids grow up and make their own decisions." Your mom is lucky to have such a caring daughter though, and I'm sure that's to her credit too. Good luck and I hope y'all find a way for her to be safe.