Anything exciting going on w/you and yours this weekend? Not much my way, Joe and I are taking a tour of the new toll roads here in Austin, sounds exciting! LOL And of course - house work.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
Tomorrow day we're going to Restoration Hardware and a bit of shopping
Tomorrow night we're having about 10 people over to play board games!
Sunday we're going to Architectual Artifacts which is this cool huge store with all this antique stuff and just really cool stuff for the house to try to find a funky chair and a sculpture of some sort! V excited.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Hubby has to work on Saturday so I'll probably spend it putting more house stuff away , just like I've spent the last 5 days! On Sunday, I'm sure we'll have to make a trip to Home Depot for ... something .... and then we're going to clean up the mess that is our deck - we tore down a huge pergola this week (well, he tore it down, I watched and made sure he didn't fall off the roof ), and it's still sitting in a pile on the deck.
Might be able to convince him we need to go look for curtains on Sunday though!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
today: major cleaning because tonight we are having my husband's friend and his girlfriend over for dinner. (i am making individual chicken pot pies) tomorrow: maybe going shopping with a friend sunday: no idea yet!
Raking the lawn Painting our den and hopefully getting that room started Hopefully seeing Borat Seeing a Monet exhibit that's in town ...and a sh*t load of work and laundry
Well I'm about to leave in a bit here to go back home. My grandfather is in the hospital, so we're all flocking home.
So I'm going to spend a lot of time doing family things. Tonight and probably tomorrow I'm going to hang out with my boyfriend, because we had a whole weekend planned for him to come visit me, and I called him yesterday to cancel that since I'm going home for my grandpa. So I'm going to try to salvage as much of that as I can - basically we're going to sit around and watch movies, but it should be fun.
That's kind of it! I bet I'll have to take care of my grandma a little bit... it's my other grandma, not married to my grandpa, but I bet my mom will be swamped with grandpa things and ask me to go do things for my grandma in her stead. Hopefully I'll be able to get my cousin to go with me and see her - I haven't seen her in forever!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Sunday we're going to Architectual Artifacts which is this cool huge store with all this antique stuff and just really cool stuff for the house to try to find a funky chair and a sculpture of some sort! V excited.
That sounds like a really fun store!
Today we are going out for brunch then to the Museum of Flight for the afternoon.
Saturday we'll run errands and do some shopping, then have friends over for Hockey Night in the evening.
Tonight I'm heading to SA for my bf's niece's bday party tomorrow. She called and invited him and his gf (me) to come to her party at Gattiland. I thought that was really cute.
Then I'm heading to San Marcos Sat night and Sunday afternoon to do some christmas shopping at the outlet. I'm so excited!!
my parents are coming to visit this weekend...should get here in a couple hours. so pretty much just hanging out with them...going out to eat...not sure what else yet.
Tonight I'm headed out with some friends from undergrad and then Saturday and Sunday I will spend doing schoolwork. Yep, that's it for the whole frigging weekend, school and more school. It's crunch time with just four weeks left in the semester and one of those weeks is Thanksgiving.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I have a cold and haven't been outside our apartment for days but I think I'm feeling better now.
We'll probably make an excursion to Boerum Hill, Brooklyn to see the new Lotta Jansdotter store. And I'd love to go to the Met and have a glass of sparkling wine on the balcony (there's live classical music, too).
Tonight: Bf has a soccer game and since I'm never in town when he has them I'm going to it.
Tomorrow: Not a clue- probably watching some football
Tomorrow night: a date!!!! I haven't been on a date with my bf in forever so we are going on one and I have no idea what the plan is, but I can't wait!
Sunday: Flying home.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
I'm working. At least on Saturday - at a show. Then Sunday will probably be more work. It's like that this time of year. At least we are having dinner with friends after the show on Saturday. DH has been out of town all week on business so it will be nice to catch a little time together.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler