I really should be taking another load of stuff over to the new house and then finishing up painting there, but I. just. don't. want. to. I've been over there every single day since we closed painting and cleaning (by myself most of the time) and I'm just tiiiiiiired of it.
I would have to recommend against painting all drywalled surfaces in your entire house in rapid succession. It's even less fun than it sounds, unless you have one of those paint sprayer guns and then it's probably way more entertaining. At least then you could make machine gun sounds effects as you painted each wall or something ....
Instead, I have latex paint highlights in my hair and my hands are cracked and red from washing out rollers and brushes. And since I only have so many pieces of acceptable painting attire, I've been wearing the same freaking outfit for the last 7 days. If you can indeed call an inside out sweatshirt from 1993 and inside out sweat pants complete with pockets that flap like wings when I walk an 'outfit'.
It's cold and lonely over there, and it's raining, and I don't feel like loading the car with boxes that weigh half as much as I do. Did I mention we're getting a moving truck on Saturday for our furniture? The furniture that it still holding all our books, clothing, accessories neatly in their places because I haven't taken anything over to the house yet?
Dooooooon't Wannnnnnnaaaaaaaaaa!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I'll play!!! I feel your pain about moving, painting,cleaning! It took us two weeks to get it all done. It felt like forever. I worked and came home and packed until about 1pm than woke up and was back at it.When I unpacked I was lucky to have three days off b/c I wanted it over with.
Tonight I have to work a graveyard shift(10-6a than go back from 2p-10) b/c of a co=worker being out. I don't want to, I pray I can stay awake.
I need to clean my floors,dust etc but to hell with it
My membership money is being wasted b/c I am to lazy to go to the gym
Home improvement stuff can be so satisfying, but it can be so. much. work.
When we first bought our house, I scraped all of the popcorn stuff off the ceilings. By myself. DH thought I was crazy for wanting to do it, so I said fine, I'd do it myself! So, I spent three days scraping, scraping, scraping. And then once I was done with the scraping, I had to patch up all the little dents and stuff with drywall compound, then prime, and then paint the ceilings. Oh. My. God. I had popcorn, drywall compound, and paint in my hair for DAYS. The popcorn stuff would fall in my face and in my eyes as I was scraping, and on more than one occasion the stuff fell into my mouth. Awful. But it looks great now! I'm just happy our house isn't big.
And then let's talk about how that same weekend I decided to paint the inside of our closets. Without a fan to circulate the air. In August. I ended up giving myself a migraine. Good times.
And all that was before we even moved a single box into the house. It was exhausting.
But just remember, everything you're doing will a) make the house feel more like your home, and b) will add value down the road when you sell or rent.
i hate hate moving. so i feel your pain. whenever i moved i got a case of beer, my friends and it was always so much better (athough in your case a week of drinking might not be such a great idea).
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots