My bf and I have been together for nearly 5 years. We went to high school together, and I first met him in the beginning of our junior year when we had chemistry class together. I swear I fell in love the minute I saw him... I tried everything to get his attention. I'd drop my pencil near his desk so he'd pick it up to hand it to me; I'd get a late pass to class so he'd look at me as I walked in; I'd voluteer for demonstrations and try to answer all of the questions in class; I'd talk to everyone who sat around him, hoping that he'd join in the conversation. I didn't think that he was interested, and he got a date to the Homecoming dance, who subsequently became his gf. I was so. bummed. They were together through Christmas, and when we got back from vacation, they had broken up. We had a substitute teacher in class one day when bf was absent, and I mentioned to a few of his good friends that I had a monster crush on him. I figured that they'd tell him, and if he was interested he'd ask me out. He didn't. I tried to get over it. A friend of mine saw bf at a pool hall one night (she went to a different school but recognized his friends from when we went to junior high together) and they exchanged screen names. She found out that bf had had a big crush on me, too, and planned a get together for us all on Valentine's Day. We went to the pool hall where bf and bff met, and he asked me to the junior prom that night. School went on another vacation that next week, and by the time we got back to school, we were a couple. Everyone saw it coming and wondered what took so long... we even got voted cutest couple in our senior superlatives the next year. Senior year was mostly spent skipping classes to go to furniture stores and drive through neighborhoods that we wanted to live in, picking out our future home, imagining what the future would be like. We got very serious very quickly, but I wouldn't change a minute of our relationship... good or bad, what we have is special and amazing.
I later learned that bf was interested in me during the beginning of the school year, too, but he didn't think I was into him. His ex gf asked him to the Homecoming, or else he was going to ask me. His friends never told him that I had such a giant crush on him, or else he would have asked me out. Who knows where we'd be if my friend wasn't so nosey
Well, I met my BF almost two years ago at an art opening. We had actually gone to the same college but never met when we were there -- he was two years ahead of me, and I was a transfer student and started in the middle of his senior year, so we didn't have a lot of time to cross paths. So, four years after graduation I'm living in New York City (still am) and a friend of mine is studying at an art school here for her Masters, and has an end of semester show. So I went to it, and the future BF was there. My friend, who also went to our college, recognized him -- and it was lucky for me she did, because right before she mentioned she knew him I was thinking he was really cute and wishing for a chance to talk to him.
He was with a girl, who I was afraid was his date, but he mentioned very quickly that she was his friend from grad school and about to get married. Later he said he had immediately liked me and wanted to clear up who his friend was as quickly as possible! Anyway, we started talking and just talked for the rest of the night and he asked for my email address, and I was impressed because he had to do this in front of a group of my friends.
Then we all decided to go out for drinks, and he said he'd wait for us outside the building, but my friends took forever to get ready and I got really nervous he'd think I was trying to ditch him and leave. When we finally got outside he wasn't there! I was standing there, feeling so disappointed, and he came around the corner -- when he saw me his face lit up. Later he told me he walked around the block to try to find me and he *had* been afraid I was trying to ditch him, and his friend told me it was very cute how nervous he was about it. So, we all went out and had a few drinks and had a really fun time, and two days later he called to ask me to dinner. Two years later, we're about to move in together, and I think meeting him that night was the luckiest break I ever got.
One of my college roomies had moved to Chicago so we all decided to come down and party with her and her new guy and his friends for NYE that year. I have to admit that I was excited to hang out with the guys because she said he had a lot of cute friends. When we got to the hotel that the party was at they were all waiting for us so we hopped in line with them to get the tickets. That is when BF and I started chatting. He was definitely cute and had a good personality, but it was innocent chatting for sure. When I got up to our hotel room all of my friends wer gushing and saying that I liked him and insisted that I was going to hook up with him that night (a little back story here...I wasn't much of an angel when I met my BF). Of course, I was insistant on proving them wrong so I vowed that I would pretend that I didn't like him (total idiot right?).
When we got down to the party he was so sweet, calling me beautiful, getting me drinks, asking me to dance, but like a dummy I acted totally aloof. After the party we all met up in one of our friends rooms and I had a headache so he volunteered to walk me to my room to get some Aleve. I was such a witch to him, but he still came with me. On the way back he had enough and he actually said, "You know what? I thought you were really cool when we met earlier and I really liked you, but your just mean! I give up!!" I felt so bad I was nice to him for the rest of the night. The next day I had every intention of saying by to him and telling him that we should keep in touch, but he was gone before we checked out.
That week I tracked down his email address and sent him an email telling him that it was really nice to meet him and that I had a great time. He emailed me back right away and we chatted on email for the next 3 weeks until I made my next weekend visit to Chicago to see my friend. He came out with us that Friday night and the whole NYE crew went out that Saturday as well. That Sunday night we had our first date. From the next day on I was glued to the phone talking to him. He came to see me in Michigan two weeks later and declared that he wanted me to be his GF and that I had to move to Chicago on March 1 because he couldn't go any longer without me (cute, huh?) I of course had no money and didn't have time to go to Chicago to find an apartment or a job so he found me a place and paid my first month's rent and security deposit so I could move. Once I got to Chicago, he took me out and got me clothes for work and paid my way for everything for 6 months while I got on my feet.
Almost 6 years later when someone asks why we rake turns paying for meals when he clearly makes more than I do I just brush them off...he has given me plenty and he continues to give to me everyday.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
Hubby and I met in 7th grade, 1996! He was actually going out with someone at the time (a girl who later ended up becoming my best friend, and who was recently the maid of honor at our wedding), but she dumped him. Then one of my friends told him that I thought he was cute, and he asked me out the next week. A week after that his previous girlfriend told him she wanted to get back together, so he dumped me and went back to her! Another week after that, he dumped her because he was tired of her nonsense and asked me out again. Ahhhh, such junior high drama!
We've been together ever since - our 10 year anniversary was on Oct. 5th and we got married this summer.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
We met in 1996 in High School, I was in 10th grade, he was a senior. He had a girlfriend but I had the biggest crush on him. We were friends though and after he and his gf broke up, we would hang out together but always with other friend, not ever a date. He went off to college, forgot about me (lol, we did still email but really never saw each other) but I still had that big crush. I went to college, transfered to his college two years later and we reconnected and I told him about the crush I'd had since I was 15 . So we've been together since 2001, we got married in 2004.
Here's mine...I copied and pasted from an earlier thread...
I met my husband via a wrong number! I was trying to call a friend but instead dialed wrong and got him. He was in college at the time (at the same college the friend I was trying to get a hold of was attending) and I just started yapping away at him just because I was bored and felt like talking to someone. We ended up talking for 8 hours that night! At the end of the conversation he asked if he could have my number and I said "NO-I'll just call you when I feel like it" (plus I already HAD a boyfriend!). So, that is exactly what happened-I just called him when I felt like it-for 7 months! All along he kept asking if we could meet-I just kept saying NO. Finally, he ended up getting tickets to a sold out basketball game between my college and his-he asked if I would come and I finally said yes.
We met at the basketball game and immediately started dating. I also found out that he had been spying on me and knew what I looked like (I was so stupid and told him that I worked at the Clinique counter in the nearby mall and of course he checked me out without my even knowing). Figures!
Anyway, we dated for 3 months and then got married! 8.5 months later our son was born (LOL). I can only tell this story now, without getting a little embarassed due to the unconventionalness of the situation, because we have been together now for 13 years so it just goes to show miracles CAN happen!
I was at home for the summer and he was my brother's boss at Starbucks. I had a crush on him all summer and he gave me free coffee drinks all summer. It was very platonic at first, to the point that it was extremely frustrating. We hung out all summer and hooked up right before I had to go back to school and from then on out we were head over heels. We got engaged 4 months after we started dating and got married a year after that.
I love reading these - so fun. I pretty much posted mine from a previous thread too - I thought I had told this story on here before!
His dad was the attorney for the bank where I worked. I was going a girl's trip to Destin & his dad took him on an annual golf trip & we were going to be there at the same time. So his dad said why didn't we meet up for drinks - their trips tend to be rather boring & we were a fun group. So we did & I met him & thought he was GREAT, but he was married. I remember thinking what a great guy he was, too bad he was married, all the good ones are taken, yada yada. He hung out with me & my friends all night (til like 6 or 7 in the morning) & we all talked & laughed & had such a good time. Well, little did I know, he was unhappily married. So 6 months later when he was going through his divorce he found me online & emailed me & the rest is history! I always look back on this with such fondness because he was such a gentleman that night. Now knowing how unhappy he was - and I got hit on my married men a lot - it never occured to me that he wasn't happy in his situation at the time. I always say - if he could resist me that night I can trust him forever.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Awww, I'm loving all of these stories! Keep them coming! They're all so freaking cute and awesome!
I realized that I forgot to say how I met my BF! We've only been together since the beginning of the summer. I first met him at a St. Patrick's Day party my friend (we'll call him Bob) was throwing. I was actually quasi-dating Bob - we'd gone out a few times, and that night I actually hooked up with him. I had noticed future BF that night, and thought he was the hottest thing ever, but since I was already kind of dating Bob, I figured I wouldn't pursue my future BF at Bob's party.
He came to town to visit a few friends (Bob included) at the beginning of May. Because Bob still kind of had a thing for me (even though we hadn't gone out in forever), he and future BF came with my good friend (let's call her Betty) to a party that night. Again, it was insane because all I wanted to do was flirt with future BF, but I couldn't because of Bob - we hadn't gone out in forever but just a few days earlier I'd agreed to go out with him again. I remember a quite tipsy me taking Betty aside and telling her how much I liked future BF and wished I could be flirting with him. After this party, somehow future BF found my screenname and we started talking. We actually spent a good deal of our conversations talking about Betty, because he had a crush on her. (That was disheartening!)
Betty had a birthday party at the end of May, and it was a costume party where you either had to dress up as a pirate or a ninja. Future BF was a pirate. I was a ninja. We were talking all night, but I actually got him alone when he realized his eyeliner was rubbing off (he was very Johnny-Depp-esque and very hot!). I told him that I had some in my car, so we went out to get it and I put more eyeliner on him. We were out there talking forever. When we came inside, we sat alone inside the house and talked for a long time, while everyone else was outside. And just as he started kissing me, everyone came in! We kind of did that all night - stealing away with each other for a minute or two. It was kind of ridiculous. Once it actually got pretty heated () and Betty's dad and brother walked in on us! (She moved home for the summer in between her old apartment and new house) I was mortified!
But after that we kept talking online and on the phone (online more, I'm not a huge phone person. I think BF actually kind of taught me how to have a phone conversation for more than 5 minutes!). He came down the following weekend for my birthday party, and the rest is history! When we first started dating, I have to be honest, it was mostly because he was really hot. I would get annoyed when he would call and, you know, want to have conversations with me. But I stuck around because he was hot, only to discover that I was actually really falling for him!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
My bf and I met online. He emailed me and I emailed back. He emailed back and I ignored him for months! One night a group of friends and I were out at a bar I had never been to before. We only went to the new place (not my style) because the place we really wanted to go to was closed due to a water main break. Turns out he was there, too, and his group chose the bar for the exact same reasons my group did. He recognized me from my picture but didn't come up to me because of the groups of friends.
Later that evening (early the next morning?) he emailed me and asked if it was really me who'd been there. I figured the hard part of the whole online thing was over (the seeing what the other really looks like), so why not? We met up for a drink (I brought a friend - lame! and he wore pleated pants - lamer!) and talked for a few hours.
I was not into him at all first - or at least I kept telling myself that - but everytime he emailed or called, we had the best and longest conversations. After the 3rd date I was ready to call it off because I just wasn't feeling it, even though our hours long conversations were very obviously trying to tell me something different. I happened to mention that some of my art was showing at a local place and he stopped by on his lunch break one day. He wrote me a long, detailed email about each piece and how much he liked them. And that was it. I think I fell for him that very day. He took me seriously, was amazingly considerate, and seemed to be crazy into me. What more could a girl ask for?
Plus he lost the pleated pants very shortly after I informed him how very uncool they were.
I think last time I told the Readers Digest version, so here is the proper story. Its long and rambly so bear with me...
In 1999 I was doing some modelling. I did a charity fashion show where a good friend of mine was the stylist and she made us wear cowboy hats. I had masking taped my initials into the hat so I knew which one was mine. After the show I gave it back to the stylist friend without taking the tape out.
Anyway later that month, my brother and our good friend S and I took a trip out to Vancouver to visit some friends. One night while we were there, S suggested we go to a club to see a band from our town as he worked with the bass player back home. So we went and in this work mate's band was the absolute hottest guy I had ever seen in my life. He played the guitar and as soon as I saw him I was in luuuurve. (actually I just wanted to get it on with him, that's the kind of classy gal I was at the time)
Buuuut, I was hammered and too shy to actually go and talk to him. But as my friends and I were dancing for the band, the band said they wanted to bring a piece of home to Vancouver and handed out cowboy hats to all who were dancing. I got a cowboy hat with my initials masking taped in was my fashion show hat. So I was like WTF? And went and introduced myself to the bass players wife and we started talking and it turned out we had a bunch of the same friends but had never actually met (you know..."oh you're that Beth!") Anyhow we hung out all night but never got up the nerve to actually talk to him.
So back home a few weeks later, I heard that they were playing at a club and went to see them. He noticed me and came over to talk and we hung out all night. But at the end of the night he didn't ask me for my number or make plans to see me again. I was totally bummed.
The next day he remembered where I told him I worked and came in to ask me out. I accepted and we made plans for that night. A hour later, I got fired.
My mom convinced me to still go on my date even though I was bummed about my work situation. And I'm so glad I did. We had a epic first date- it lasted for 12 hours- going to the movies, eating out, playing pool, going fro drinks. We hit it off so well that we totally seemed natural together right from the start. He said he noticed me the first night in Vancouver but was too chicken to talk to me because Beth told him I was a model and a "model would never go for a crusty bum like himself".
On a side note, 6 months after we started dating he lost his insurance on his car and couldn't drive from his place to work (which was really far). My place was close enough to bike to work so I said he could stay with me for a few weeks until he got it back....7 years later, he is still here. He's awesome. We have had a few ups and downs but we love each other so much. We have always felt like our meeting was way too coincidental and we were destined to meet. It may sound silly but it has always seemed like we kept getting put together until we actually hooked up. And that's the story.
here we bf and i met senior yr in high school. I was dating my rebound guy and he was dating someone he wasnt that interested in. I had a major crush on him and would stare at him all the time while talking to these girls who sat behind me. This went on for about a month and one day, i was resting my head on the desk before class started and he came over and slammed his hand on my desk (being flirty) so we ended up writing notes to each other throughout the entire classtime and in one of our notes, he asked me to marry him, and i said yes. we've been together ever since and its been almost 6 yrs and I think marriage is definitely in our plans.
i found out that he told his friends about how he thought i was cute and that he would attend class just to see me...
I met my BF freshman year of college, in the very first class I took. English 101! We were friends and hung out alot but didnt start dating until junior year of college. He has admitted that he had a crush on me that 1st time he saw me in english class and the crush never went away. We are still together and I have been out of college for 2 years. Its kinda wierd how things work out, but I have never been happier!
I met R while in high school and we worked together for a year-and-a-half before we even really said much to one another. I never paid much attention to him, and vice versa, until he cut his hair. Then I got this huge crush on him and we started talking more. One night we were hanging out together with some co-workers at the restaurant where we worked. We were trying to make plans for the night and I was the only one with a cell phone (this was 1999), but it was in my car. So he says to me "I'll give you a kiss if you go get your phone," and I turned it around on him. Well, he goes to get the phone and then asks about the kiss. I was shocked because I was a little shy back then and never expected him to follow through. But I was not about to back down because I thought he was really cute and mysterious and he turned out to be the best kisser ever! Then we went to a movie and one of my female co-workers ended up sitting next to him and I was so angry I could have torn her head off.
We didn't talk for a long time after that because he got really sick with mono and missed weeks of school and work. I wasn't bold enough to call him or go over to his house while he was so sick. He finally comes back to work and we took the same lunch break one day and he invited me over to his house for lunch. He made me Velveeta macaroni and cheese so now I have a soft spot in my heart for mac & cheese.
Everyone at work warned me because he had already gone through every cute girl in the restaurant and they all thought I would just be the next chick for him to fool around with. I love it that they were all wrong.
Here's mine...I copied and pasted from an earlier thread...
I met my husband via a wrong number! I was trying to call a friend but instead dialed wrong and got him. He was in college at the time (at the same college the friend I was trying to get a hold of was attending) and I just started yapping away at him just because I was bored and felt like talking to someone. We ended up talking for 8 hours that night! At the end of the conversation he asked if he could have my number and I said "NO-I'll just call you when I feel like it" (plus I already HAD a boyfriend!). So, that is exactly what happened-I just called him when I felt like it-for 7 months! All along he kept asking if we could meet-I just kept saying NO. Finally, he ended up getting tickets to a sold out basketball game between my college and his-he asked if I would come and I finally said yes.
We met at the basketball game and immediately started dating. I also found out that he had been spying on me and knew what I looked like (I was so stupid and told him that I worked at the Clinique counter in the nearby mall and of course he checked me out without my even knowing). Figures!
Anyway, we dated for 3 months and then got married! 8.5 months later our son was born (LOL). I can only tell this story now, without getting a little embarassed due to the unconventionalness of the situation, because we have been together now for 13 years so it just goes to show miracles CAN happen!
I met my husband in high school. We were in the same freshman English class, and I had girls' PE when he had boys' PE, so we sometimes had that class together, too. At the end of the year, our PE class did a square dance unit, and you had to have a partner for the big dance on the last day. He asked me to the dance, but I had to turn him down b/c his friend had already asked me. (His friend, by the way, totally ignored me when the dance came around, and I ended up having to dance with some random sweaty guy.) Anyway, we had some mutual friends, and the next year, our high school split into two, and we ended up at the same one. He immediately made it known to our mutual friends that he liked me, and he would call me, leave me little notes, etc. I couldn't date until I was 16, so we were good friends for awhile first. We've been together ever since -- 11 years (married 2.5).
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I met my bf at the gym. I would scope him out lifting, more specifically doing pull ups, while I was on the treadmill. I'm totally a people watcher and he was my favorite person to watch, BY FAR. We spoke occasionally but one day we actually had a conversation. I am on the east coast and he was wearing a beanie with a somewhat obscure college that was in the area of where I grew up so I asked him about it. While we were talking I said something that warranted him to roll his eyes at me, so I snapped at him "Don't YOU roll your eyes at ME!" He laughed it off and eventually asked me to watch some boxing that night at a local bar. I agreed and it was fun, but I had a boyfriend at the time and I let him know that. Subsequently, he didn't walk me all the way home, he left me a block away from my apartment building which I thought was weird. In the next week we spent almost every day getting lunch or something and I realized that I didn't want to be with the now ex bf anymore and wanted to be with current bf. That was a year ago and I couldn't be happier. Who would have thought that you could actually meet a good guy at the gym?!
I met my husband in high school. We were in the same freshman English class, and I had girls' PE when he had boys' PE, so we sometimes had that class together, too. At the end of the year, our PE class did a square dance unit, and you had to have a partner for the big dance on the last day. He asked me to the dance, but I had to turn him down b/c his friend had already asked me. (His friend, by the way, totally ignored me when the dance came around, and I ended up having to dance with some random sweaty guy.) Anyway, we had some mutual friends, and the next year, our high school split into two, and we ended up at the same one. He immediately made it known to our mutual friends that he liked me, and he would call me, leave me little notes, etc. I couldn't date until I was 16, so we were good friends for awhile first. We've been together ever since -- 11 years (married 2.5).
This is so sweet! I had square dancing in high school too.
I met DH when I was dating his best friend, T. T and I weren't exclusive and were really better friends than dating but anyway... One night when I was over at T's house watching a movie in walked DH. I know this is a cliche, but it was love at first sight. He only stayed for about 5 minutes. When he left, I asked T about him. T said DH had been with his girlfriend for forever and blah blah blah, so basically I had no chance. I stopped dating and hanging out with T for 3 years and was in a horrible relationship. When that relationship ended I ran into T at the bar. We started hanging out again as well as DH. He was still with his girlfriend but things weren't going well. I still didn't think I had a chance but still was totally in love with him. He never gave me any indication that he had any feelings for me so I didn't pursue mine and pushed it off as love lost. Fast forward a year, DH and girlfriend went through a nasty breakup. Fast forward another 9 months of hanging out as friends.
One day DH says that he is having a couple people over at his house to watch movies and hang out. I show up at his house. I am the only one there. He proceeds to tell me that he has loved me for such a long time but thought that he didn't have a chance because of T and my past relationship and because we were such good friends he didn't want to ruin that. He told me that he didn't care if we were together but he couldn't live with me not knowing that he loved me. Well of course I told him that I had loved him for a long time too. Anyway the rest is history, we have been together for 4 years and were married in September.