Can we start a pity party, pretty please? I'm bummed. Bleh.
I didn't get the job I interviewed for a week ago (I have inside sources) and I'm broke. I also realized I've paid over $10,000 in student loans since I started working and my loan amount has gone down approximately $1,500. My other smaller loans have actually increased in the amount owed. My physical therapy (for my stupid hurt back for no reason whatsoever) costs so much money that I can't even afford something yummy to make myself feel better. And somehow I've managed to max out my cc about a month and a half before xmas. Lovely. I'm pathetic and lame. Sigh.
It's a rough day. And all I want to do is buy things - useless, frivolous, wonderful things.
I'm sorry blubirde! Job hunting sucks, doesn't it? I gave my notice at the beginning of August and I still don't have anything lined up. (I had to take about a month off from looking to get other crap taken care of--but still!) I feel like I'm smart and well-qualified and I have great experience, but this can be completely demoralizing. Blech. I'm right there with ya, sister!
Anyway, I hope the money fairy heads your way soon.
I'm so sorry you're having a rough day blubirde ((((hugs))). I know how hard the money thing is...I hope your situation gets better soon
Now for me..I'll jump in...
* My boyfriend's family dog may have to get put to sleep and he is an absolute wreck. This is his childhood dog. She fell out of bed yesterday morning and basically did the splits. She already had a bad leg and now I think she made it way worse. We went over to see her last night, just in case, and she wasn't in good shape. She can barely stand up or walk and she wouldn't eat. I felt so bad for him because he just kept crying and i know how hard it is, because I lost my childhood dog 2 years ago. His whole family was a wreck and I was trying to keep them all together
* To put the icing on the cake today, I just logged onto my bank account to find out that I am way overdrawn in my checking account and guess what? I don't get paid until next Tues. Fun times.
Now for my pity party...I am also still job hunting. My contract assignment ends on Friday and I still don't have anything lined up yet for next week. Since I quit my job in August I have basically exhausted all of my savings, am in the red with my BF and am about to go further into it if I don't line up another contract assignment by Monday. I was actually crying in bed last night I am so upset.
The positives? Luckily I have a BF with the income he does and that is willing to help, I have my health, there are some potential job leads, I have a great recruiter and last night when I was crying in bed both Vinny and the BF snuggled me to make me feel better.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
I am right there with you ladies in the job hunt. I have been seriously looking for about 5 months now and I have gotten no feedback and my recruiters at various companies are sitting on their asses not doing a lick. ARGH! It makes me so cross. I feel as though everyone else in this stupid city is getting jobs for which I am totally qualified for.
I am also trying to finish up my grad school work and am just in a funk. I.DON'T.WANT.TO.DO.IT!!! I think that I am feeling depressed, which I affecting my ability to concentrate.
I really hope that everyone else's day gets better.
Thanks for starting this thread. I'm so sorry about your troubles everyone! I'm right there with you guys.
* I am having financial woes and have a large bill I can't afford to pay. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.
* I need to find a new job but i don't know what I want to do or what I'm qualified for..I feel generally lost and confused about what to do next in my career. And instead of actually doing anything, I just keep coming to work and saying "Oh, i'll figure out something tomorrow.."
* I have been feeling so down on myself recently and bad about my weight. Sometimes I wake up feeling fine, get on the scale, and see that I weigh like 1-2 lbs more than normal and it completely and totally ruins my entire day and I just feel like this obese blob all day...and then feel guilty when I eat and then I start obsessing. Ugh, I hate my relationship with food.
Oh ladies I am so sorry you all are going through these things.
Financially I feel your pain. Since I've been home the past 9 months I have not balanced my checkbook, which until now was fine because I never write checks and pay everything online. Well I screwed up and wrote a check, forgot about it and overdrew our account. To make matters worse DH did not get paid for a week, so the fee's added up. UGH DUMB ME!
I took a waitress job, yes that right, at night to help pay for the extravagances of Christmas for my kids. While the job is okay, and only like 2 nights a week, last week I had a night I only made $20! I know it's okay and some nights I've made $160, but that night I wanted to cry.
So much for the lavish SAHM thing I imagined. Being home fulltime and managing my kids and husband and house is HARD work. Everyone expects me to be on top of everything, my kids school projects, soccer shedules and practices, my husbands appointments outside of work, vet appointments, meals, laundry, cleaning, it's all ME!
I'm sorry you are all having such a hard time.(((hugs)))
Now for my pitty party.
My Mom hurt her back and can't move and on top of that the meds they have her make her all groggy.I don't know what the hell he was thinking, but my Dad just went to work today and left her home alone!!!! So my mom called me and I went over to take care of her today.
My bf has been a tired out mess lately.His mom had a heart attack 2 weeks ago and even though she is doing much better now he still has to help her with selling her house and finding an assisted living place.I don't mind being there for him but it gets really draining on top of everything else I have to deal with.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
-I've been sick for over a month. I dropped two classes (which will push my graduation back possibly until next fall, because I don't know if they offer those two in the summer), and have been to an average of 1/2 a class a week since. Some of my professors have been very helpful, but I'm losing points every day in attendance and in-class assignments and quizzes. It's so horrible, because I'm here on a scholarship that I can't afford to lose. I've had every test you can think of, with bruises on both arms from all the blood tests, and I had a few procedures this morning to try to determine the cause, but the doctor still can't figure out what's wrong. Today he prescribed me some "all-purpose" medicine, which is really an antidepressent but apparently can be used for many things. But I don't want to be on a medicine that might affect my personality, especially if we're not even sure it will help me or what's wrong! I have two more big, more invasive procedures scheduled for a week or two from now to try to diagnose myself more. I've been missing work, too, so I'm rapidly dwindling my savings.
I feel like I should be viewing this as a mandatory vacation and read books, watch movies, catch up on work, etc. But the thing is, the only thing I can do is sit in my apartment all day. I try to go see friends, but I'm just too sick and I always leave after like a half hour. So I'm too lonely and depressed to pick up a book or anything. My main source of socialization is when my boyfriend calls me most nights, and he's come to visit me a few times on the weekends. I'm becoming the most boring person in the world, and I want to get out so badly, but I just can't.
I know that was long, sorry, but today really was hard because I realized how ridiculous this whole thing has become while I was at the hospital today. I'm also still kind of drugged up
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
My day got worse instead of better. They had to put SO's dog to sleep and he can't stop crying. I feel so someone ripped my heart out. I need good vibes girls
My husband is leaving in January for a year at a base in Korea. I'm staying in Phoenix with the kids. He will have a month of leave to split up however he wants to and I'm going to visit, but I'm so worried about my little girls and how they'll do apart from their daddy for so long. I think about it all the time.
shopchicago33 wrote: My day got worse instead of better. They had to put SO's dog to sleep and he can't stop crying. I feel so someone ripped my heart out. I need good vibes girls
I know how hard it is to lose a pet. I am so sorry for him.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
My birthday is coming up and I don't think I will be able to buy the new handbag I wanted (technically, it is supposed to be a gift from my BF but we share a bank account anyway) because I am broke too.
I went to my car tonight and it wouldn't start. I have no idea why either.
BF is in a funk because he hates his job and feels it is worthless and stressful and doesn't pay him enough. When he gets like this, he reminisces about his Air Force dream that was halted when he was medically disqualified. I don't think he will ever get over it, though I was secretly glad it happened (and I still feel bad about that).
I am looking to get a part-time seasonal job to help out with the holiday spending but I don't want to!
On the bright side, I am healthy and so is my family and I am happy with my job. It does help when I think of it that way.
Cricket, I'm sorry about your husband, and ShopChicago33, about your BF's dog. And everyone, really. Yuck Yuck.
I am in a similar boat as many of you girls financially. I lost a long-term freelance gig shortly after I relocated to a new and oh so expensive city and I am poor. I am actually considering an evening retail job (how fun, huh?) to make ends meet. I know I should be grateful that I have the ability and will to work nonstop, but I'm struggling to muster that gratitude right now.
I have no friends here. I'm trying to meet people, but again it's really hard when I can't actually go out and do anything because I don't have any money.
Boys suck. 'nuff said
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
Cricket, I'm sorry to hear your husband is going away, and Shopchicago - I am so sad to hear about your BF's dog.
I'm in a funk at work. I'm normally happy and chipper, but lately I've been crying and gloomy. I am NOT a crier, but I've had at least three times in the last two weeks had to close my door because I am just so depressed by it. I can't tell if I'm just in a bad place, or if I legitimately am done. See related post in Careers for more detail.
I feel like I don't have time to do things that make me happy, but I'm also incapable of being efficient at work, so I'm in a weird place of always having to work, because I'm just so inefficient.
i hope i don't sound flippant when i say this, but i really hope all you ladies feel better soon. i know some/many of your problems won't be solved in the near future (and i haven't been here long enough to know you as well as i'd like to be saying this), but hell, you are wonderful, intelligent and mature ladies who will perservere!
(gratuitous kitten picture to hopefully crack a few smiles. courtesy of cuteoverload)
I want to join in. Thanks squishy for the cute pic ladies I know what it is like in the Finance dept. Pay bills and nothing in between paydays This month Iam paying fees on my utility's from moving, gosh this sucks. phone bill extra 52.00,gas-40.00,cable-33.00, I want to go shopping for a few things have not been in 2 months
Been worried about my mom for some time now, she has been going through some issues and it is very hard to see your Mom cry-heartbreaking.She has gotten better but not 100%
DH has been wanting to go see his daughter in Louisiana but we dont have the extra money.
Hugs hope you ladies feel better and things work out for you
Money... blah! My bf has been out of work since September because he had to have a second knee surgery. He was supposed to be receiving TDI, but his doctor never sent in paper work or something, so he hasn't gotten a check in 5 weeks... he is dead broke, which makes me broke because I've been my bills, his bills, and our bills, not to mention my picking up of the tab whenever we go out (which is often). He is supposed to get a very large check this week from TDI, though. I'm still trying to catch up on all of the CC debt I racked up after I got very sick in March. I haven't closed my old checking account from when I switched banks yet, and I forgot to transfer one of my automatic payments over. Now that account is overdrawn and I didn't account for that payment before I paid my other bills. I'm overdrawn and don't have money to pay for it until next Thursday.
School sucks. Period.
I put myself on a shopping ban and was doing very well. There was a coat I wanted from Urban Outfittes (the Ben Sherman one that Smash has) and I saved up my weekly allowances until I had enough money to pay for it. I went to the site, CC in hand, ready to order, and it was gone. I emailed CS... but nothing. I searched high and low and found it at South Moon Under, but not in my size. I'm so bummed.
I'm making most of the presents I'm giving out for Christmas. I wanted to be done by Halloween, but I'm not even close. I have about a zillion glasses to etch and necklaces to make. I pushed my deadline back to Thanksgiving.
My bf the Grinch ruined Christmas... I had the most wonderful idea for his present, something he would absolutely love, and he guessed what it was. Then he decided that he didn't only want to ruin his suprise, but mine too... he told me what he's getting for me. It's not really a big deal --it's a super-thoughtful present-- but we always tell each other what we're getting, and this year was supposed to be a big suprise-filled present production.
I organized a trip to NYC to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular in December with my bf and some friends (there are 7 of us altogether). I had to buy the tickets at the same time on one CC, and two of the friends were in PA at the time so I couldn't get their money before we ordered. I ordered the tickets 3 weeks ago on my mom's CC, and they still haven't paid me. Her bill is due on 11/1 and she pays it in full so she doesn't carry a balance... I've tried to subtly ask for the money, but they just don't get it. I know they won't stiff me, but I don't know why they won't pay up. I have to call them today to ask for it, and I'm dreading it. I haaate asking people for money.
I'm such a complainer. Luckily my complaints aren't very major... thanks for letting me join the party, anyway. My thoughts are with everyone whose problems won't go away like mine. I hope you all are doing well soon.
I love Bf's family, but his dad drives me insane!! He is always borrowing money from bf, saying that he really needs some help right now because of this and that, but yet he just bought a new car, and spends money like he has it (ie flying his brother out from nyc, etc). now, bf needs money to pay rent, etc and his dad says he doesnt have it!!!!
I try to be supportive because i know bf is struggling with his job (its all comission!), but sometimes i just wish he could get his act together and get a regular job where he can depend on a paycheck every month!
I'm tired of being entirely consumed by work- Working at minimum 12 hours a day and then not being able to stop thinking about work in the hour I get to myself. I'm tired of seeing the same 3 people (and only them!) day in and day out. I'm tired of having no free time, no tv, no stores, and no choice over what I eat (you eat what you get when you get it). And I'm tired of being away from DH.