I also bought the "Idiot's Guide to Buying & Selling a Home" and "Homebuying for Dummies" but I haven't read them yet. They seem pretty comprehensive though, especially if you know *nothing* about this (like me). I flipped through these at the bookstore too, and thought they looked pretty good as well:
How To Buy Your First Home, Second Edition (DB Summers) 10 Steps to Home Ownership: A Workbook for First-Time Buyers (IR Glink) 100 Questions Every First-Time Home Buyer Should Ask (IR Glink)
Valenciana! that's so funny! I actually used the 100 Questions for first time homebuyers book - as my BIBLE when I bought my place. It had been given to me by a friend who simply said "when you are done with it, simply pass it on to someone else in need". So, its made the rounds among my friends! I highly recommend it.
i haven't seen any of the books, but i totally agree a great realtor is key. also, a good mortgage person. we found this out the hard way -- our mortgage person (so's "friend") sucked a**. after comparing our experience with a friend's and my sister's, they had really good people while ours took the commission (or whatever they get) and passed us on to some random person we could never get in touch with.
i haven't seen any of the books, but i totally agree a great realtor is key. also, a good mortgage person. we found this out the hard way -- our mortgage person (so's "friend") sucked a**. after comparing our experience with a friend's and my sister's, they had really good people while ours took the commission (or whatever they get) and passed us on to some random person we could never get in touch with.
I'll 3rd this here lol. We just bought a house as well as some friends of ours. They had a sucky realtor and had all kinds of problems at the last minute.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
I actually went to a my local credit union before buying a house and meet with a financial planner. She explained alot of the details , process and what we should do to get our finances in order before we bought our house.
All the other steps everyone recomended are great- so I would take advantage of every available resourse to help you prepare.
And as everyone else said, a good mortgage broker, and real estate agent are VERY important!
thanx everyone for your suggestions.............I not looking to buy for at least 1.5 more years but I want to get all my ducks on a row.........I'm going to order a few of these books from Amazon.
One thing you can do right now before you buy a place is to start getting your credit in good order, if it's not already. Having a good credit score will allow you to get a larger mortgage and better terms.
One thing you can do right now before you buy a place is to start getting your credit in good order, if it's not already. Having a good credit score will allow you to get a larger mortgage and better terms.
I agree, we're going thru this right now, we're only a few points away from getting the best rates. Check out the forums at www.creditboards.com, I know I sound like a broken record, but w/o this board, we couldnt have started off so quickly otherwise. HTHs!