my bf just called to tell me that he spoke with one of our friends, v, and v and his gf k are coming over tonight. LOST IS ON TONIGHT. i do not want to be social. i want to get home from work, change into comfy clothes, play with the dog, maybe do some laundry, eat dinner and WATCH TV. antm, lost, pr. is that so much to ask?
i hate boys.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
Well, if it makes you feel any better, ABC is putting Lost online for free the next day after it airs. So if you miss anything tonight, you can catch it tomorrow.
I know what you mean though--I schedule my Wednesdays around Lost and Thursdays around Grey's Anatomy. Pathetic.
Yeah, nothing can interrupt LOST and PR. I was invited over to a friend's house to watch, and I'm not going to go because there will be too many people. I don't like watching a show I'm really into w/ a group. There are always a couple people that either don't care or don't know what is going on, so they talk or ask questions the whole time.
On top of that, I really hate it when DH invites people over or makes plans for us without checking with me. It is fine if he makes plans to do something with his friends, but I don't like him to involve me talking to me about it first. He used to do this a lot and has gotten much better about it.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, ABC is putting Lost online for free the next day after it airs. So if you miss anything tonight, you can catch it tomorrow.
I know what you mean though--I schedule my Wednesdays around Lost and Thursdays around Grey's Anatomy. Pathetic.
ahhhhh really? I'm so excited! I'd much rather watch LOST online whenever I want
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Well, if it makes you feel any better, ABC is putting Lost online for free the next day after it airs. So if you miss anything tonight, you can catch it tomorrow.
I know what you mean though--I schedule my Wednesdays around Lost and Thursdays around Grey's Anatomy. Pathetic.
ahhhhh really? I'm so excited! I'd much rather watch LOST online whenever I want
seriously I feel ya. I refuse to do anything on wed night other than play with my dog and watch lost with my hubby. Lost and greys make wed a sacred night ...
Nothing more annoying than having super good shows interuppted! I love how ABC puts the show on their website! Thankgoodness because I missed last weeks and was able to watch it. Have you considered getting a DVR? I've had mine like a week and it's the best invention ever!
Cortney1982 wrote: Have you considered getting a DVR? I've had mine like a week and it's the best invention ever!
I have Tivo and I love it so much! It's completely changed the way I watch TV. If I forget to add something to my list, I can go on the internet at work and tell Tivo to record my shows. I rarely have to sit through commercials. And, if I'm feeling super obsessed during Lost, I can go back and watch stuff in slow motion. Tivo is the Best. Thing. Ever.
I can totally understand. We have Tivo, but we have actually told our friends and loved ones that they should not call or come by during 24, The Sopranos or Lost. Otherwise they will be severely hurt...
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
Well, if it makes you feel any better, ABC is putting Lost online for free the next day after it airs. So if you miss anything tonight, you can catch it tomorrow.
I know what you mean though--I schedule my Wednesdays around Lost and Thursdays around Grey's Anatomy. Pathetic.
Count me as part of the pathetic bunch. I, too, schedule those nights around those shows. Unfortunately, this semester, I'm taking a class that ends at 9pm on Wednesday nights, so I have to record Lost, wait for it to be over and watch it at 10 b/c I wouldn't want to miss out on watercooler talks the next day! Last week, I actually left class early so that I could see the show live. I am a geek. I should seek therapy.
I once stopped dating a guy because he didn't get my TV night (at the time it was the Bachelor, but that sounds pathetic & is but I digress). Seriously, I need my show & if you don't get it, I don't know what to tell you. I'm not saying break up with your BF or anything, I'm just saying that I am serious about my TV night & I totally understand what you are saying. To me the online the next day thing is ok, but there is something about a slothful night in front of the tube that doesn't translate when I'm watching it online.
I feel your pain.
ETA: I concur on Tivo. Best. invention.ever.
And Bastet, I can't remember where you live, but if I'm ever in your neck of the woods on a Friday night, I'm coming over for a BSG viewing!
-- Edited by laken1 at 00:03, 2006-10-12
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad