My boyfriend just found out he may be going to Madrid next week, in which he will be there until xmas. (This is a really really good opportunity for him) And I of course will probably go visit the first week of december, when school is done.
He will be there by himself in a hotel room for the next few months. I would like to get him a going away present that will remind him of us while he is gone, and has some meaning to it.
I originally thought a framed photo of us, but it seems pretty predicatable, and if i do that, i would like to give him something else that has a little more thought.
I like the idea of using forget me not flowers somehow, but for a guy that would be pretty hard to tie in.
Any ideas on a meaningful going away gift?? Pretty please with sugar on top?
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
Could you make a tape of his/your favorite songs (perhaps ones that are esp. meaningful or significant to the two of you)?
Instead of a framed photo, how about a mini scrapbook? Or color copy some photos and make a collage. You said he was an athlete, right? You could throw some newspaper clippings in if you have any(or ticket stubs).
Do you have a video camera? You could make a mini movie of the two of you.
Or maybe you could write a letter and/or draw him something every day until the day he leaves and save them up and give them to him before he departs.
I always feel like things people can wear are the best ideas - maybe it' sjust because I like them best. But that way when he misses you, he can keep a part of you with him all day or sleep with it at night. I don't have any specific suggestions just because I don't know him, but it seems like a Tshirt would be the most versatile thing. Maybe you could find something that somehow references an inside joke or something like that?
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
How about a nice blanket since hotel blankets are never really soft? That way he can snuggle up to it and think of you.
I liked wicked's idea of a mni movie of the two of you.
don't forget a nice handwritten letter. With email and voice mail we never just write letters anymore. Maybe one reminiscing of your best time together that he can re read when ever he wants to.
a phone calling card so he can call you whenever he wants with out racking up the bills
or how about a watch? He can wear it every day and think of you whenever he looks at it
-- Edited by Collette at 10:35, 2006-10-11
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Thanks for all the great ideas... I am now thinking of using some of these ideas to make a sort of going away care package...
But id like some more ideas of things to put in it, heres what i for sure want to use so far:
Calling card (this is a great idea that i somehow overlooked)
Picture of the two of us ( I only have like one good picture since we haven't been together for very long, so im looking for creative ideas of how to include this... instead of just the normal frame... maybe something more thoughtful?)
Handwritten letter
We don't have any really meaningful songs or anything, again because we havent been together for very long. And i dont have a way to record a video of us. Both which are really good ideas :( I also would LOVE to get him a watch, hes been wanting a nice one for a while now, but i just dont think i have the cash to invest in a nice one for him, maybe a xmas gift. And he could definitely use a nice blanket, but he already has too much luggage and wouldnt be able to fit it.
Hope you girls can come up with some more items to include in my going away gift.
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
You could make color copies (or black and white) of the photos and decoupage (sp?) them onto something. Do you know how to embroider? You could do his name or both your names on a pillow case. Or make an iron on transfer of the photo and put that on a pillowcase or a tee shirt.
None of these are particularly romantic, but I think they'd be fun things for him to have in Madrid:
-favorite candies or snacks from the States
-a book to read on the plane
-a Madrid street map
-a Madrid guidebook, with little stickers put in for the restaurants/sites that you've picked out to go together when you visit
-a passport holder (there are some nice leather ones if you can afford them)
-you could spray your perfume on the letter or on something else in the basket for him to remember you by!
Oh, and you both should definitely download Skype for free if you haven't! You can speak to each other for free via the internet using Skype and the sound quality is awesome! My boyfriend and I lived on separate continents for two years and we came to depend on this so much. I cannot say enough wonderful things about it. Actually -- if he has a laptop without a built-in microphone, you could get him a microphone headset thing so that you can chat via Skype.
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
When my brother was in Iraq he asked my sis-in-law to send one of her shirts over, so she did...and he loved it...
All of the guys in his platoon (they're all really good friends from the same town) passed the shirt around and smelled it and held onto it just because it smelled like home.
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.