I have two cats and I completely understand. Have you tried closing your door when you go to bed? I know sometimes this doesn't work, because the cat will probably meow and scratch at the door until you let them in.
As for keeping her occupied. Do you have any spare boxes around the house? My cats LOVE to play in boxes. And, it's cheaper than buying a kitty condo. Try throwing a toy in the box too.
Also, I don't know if this is an option, but what about getting another cat? I got my two cats at the same time. At first I was a little weary, but I couldn't stand breaking them apart. It turned out to be a blessing because they occupied each other, instead of bugging me.
My cat did that when she was a baby (and still does sometimes ). I just put her blankie in her carrier and when she got rowdy, I would lure her into her carrier with a treat and close the door to it. Usually, she would just go to sleep until a decent hour. Eventually, she would hear me get up and run into her carrier to wait for her treat. Maybe you could try something like that??? I was kind of at a loss too, but she did grow out of it. . .for the most part.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I have 3 cats and all of them used to do this. (at the same time sometimes!) As another poster above suggested, boxes work great. I keep an empty box in another room and my cats love to play hide and seek in it in the morning ...