hello! first...sorry about the huge picture! ok...i have a wedding to go to in atlanta on oct. 14 and it is at 5pm. the wedding is at a methodist church and the reception is at some place called the Empire Room at the James Floyd Building (for those of you familiar w/ ATL) anyway..two questions, do you like the dress,(is it appropriate?) and if you do...can you give me some shoe suggestions? also...if you don't like the dress, i can return it, but i would love some other options! thanks in advance!!
the dress is brown and off-white oh-these aren't the shoes i'm wearing...i was just trying the w/the dress
i love the dress first off. i think it would look great with a pair of white shoes. i know it seems kind of matchy matchy, but i really like the idea of a pointy toe white shoe that shoes some toe cleavage.