I fly to Hawaii next week for vacation and the restrictions are still in place in regards to gels/liquids/creams in carry-on bags.
"The TSA is currently prohibiting all liquids, gels, or aerosols in carry-on baggage. This includes all beverages, lotions, creams, shampoo, toothpaste, gels, or aerosols, and other items of similar consistency"
But I am a total Chapstick addict. I hate having dry lips and being stuck on a plane for 6 hours with no chapstick is going to royally suck. Is there anything I can bring or do instead of carrying a tube of chapstick with me? This may be a long shot but is there any lipglossing product that isn't a gel/cream?
Someone that I work with recently traveled and she had no problem with chapstick. Thank goodness, I'm the same way and I need my lip balm! I also have a solid lotion that I am going to bring. I figure it is the consistency of chapstick so it should be fine...plus it works better than lotion!
Grace wrote: I also have a solid lotion that I am going to bring. I figure it is the consistency of chapstick so it should be fine...plus it works better than lotion!
Just make sure it's not in a little tin...they took my rosebud salve.
i'm the same way! i think my lips would bleed. fwiw, i've heard it's pretty easy to get away with- hide it in a sunglasses case or something... they don't open every single item in your purse. (comforting!)
Grace wrote: I also have a solid lotion that I am going to bring. I figure it is the consistency of chapstick so it should be fine...plus it works better than lotion!
Just make sure it's not in a little tin...they took my rosebud salve.
Thanks Valenciana....it is in a tin. Maybe I will transfer it to....hm, a ziplock might work.
I took both a lipgloss and a balm (in a tube) and it was fine. I had them in a little change purse I keep them in regularly in my bag, so I'm not sure if they overlooked it or what. But I know chapstick is definitely okay to carry on the plane. They had signs at the airport saying it was acceptable.
I flew this past weekend and I had my lip gloss in a small purse inside another bag and they took it away from me. I didn't have any chapstick so I can't don't if that is allowed, but lip gloss isn't (at least not flying out of Milwaukee).
my chapstick was fine. I ended up buying the kiehls baby lip balm in the stick form so there wouldn't be any questions. Burt Bee's makes some flavored chapsticks for about $3 which is much cheaper than the kiehls stuff I bought.
I had chapstick and lipgloss in my pocket the last time I flew to Vegas, and they never checked my pockets, even when we got put in a special line on the way back and went through a weird sniffing machine.
i didn't try it out of (and in) the states b/c i asked at the counters each time (i have flown 6 times since the new regulations) and each time they said i couldn't have it.
on the way to london, i knew there was no way i would survive the 7 hour flight without- so i bought some at a gift shop in the airport.
on the way, back i didn't carry it- but the BF did and they took it during security screening.
so... take it- but know that they will probably take it at security! so- don't take the expensive ones!