OMG it was so GREAT!!!!! I am still trying to adjust back to normal life and I'm having a rough time and I'm trying to figure out when we are going back (it won't be next year and hopefully not the next - holding out for maybe a honeymoon?? so maybe 2009??). Anyways I am working on uploading pics but it is an all day process as we took over 600 pics last week. I'll try and post some highlights tomorrow.
We stayed at Pop Century and loved it. It was a blast from the past for us. Our building had a huge Mickey Mouse phone and the one across from us had a huge Big Wheel.
The longest wait we had were for the buses going to Pop from MK since it was the farthest (sp??) park from the hotel. As far as rides went we never used a fast pass and most waits were the time it took to go from the entrance to the actual loading dock of the ride (~5 mins tops). We also made sure to see the characters at every park each day. So we have like 5 pics with Mickey, Minnie, etc. Its quite funny thinking about it and so nice to see now. I don't think I've ever taken pics with the characters in all of my trips there. I also got my first pair of ears - I got pink minnie ones.
We were on the dining plan which is nice to not worry about paying for food but its a ton of food so I know I gained a few pounds and not sure if I'd actually pay for it since we got it for free this time. We ate at a sit down place every night so if you want to know about any just ask. The character meals were great and definetly worth the money.
I'll wait to see your pixs - I know you need time to process it all - sounds exciting & I'm glad you had fun. And my heart did a little pitter patter knowing you are even considering that there might be a wedding even if it is in a few years.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Alrighty... 13 hours later and I have all my pics loaded up on If you want to see them all I can send you an invitation to view them but if you want a condensed version let me know as I think I will make one for all my friends and family to see (my mom wasn't thrilled about 600+ pics but Mike and I are!)
Also if you want trip planning info I have a few good sites to recommend and you are more than welcome to borrow my 2006 book and have all the website print outs I printed. Just let me know what you want/are interested in. Also how old are the nieces? How long are you going for? Where are you staying? Are they big disney princess fans?
Here are some of our favorites. I tried to post last night after work but my electricity decided to go out on me for no reason! I tried to cut down on the size but some still seem a bit large.
we were part of that backlot tour at mgm- the one where you get completely soaked. Aren't I a vision in blue?
Thanks yall we had an absolute blast. I've never had so much fun on vacation as this past one and this was the first time I've met the characters. I was kind of nervous thinking it wouldn't be as fun as an adult but the characters play with you as an adult just like they do with the kids so it was really cool and something we did every day. I'll have to search for some other favorites and post them tonight.
How fun, aurora! I can't wait. My nieces are 7 & 4 - will be 5 by then. Of course they love princesses. My fear is that my sister will have the whole thing figured out & planned & I'll have no input....usually what happens when I tag along on vacation.....but I don't want to miss it. My mom & sister have both been as adults so I'm going to be a newbie with the kiddies. And I must have some ears.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad