How do you relax and keep your mind from thinking about work in your off hours? I've had a tough week, plus haven't had much sleep or "me" time with so many guests in and out- any tips on how to relax and leave the work week behind? TIA!!
Sorry you've had such a stressful week. To relax I:
*Go out for coffee/tea and read. *Take a bath and meditate/don't let myself think of anything that I have to do or anything that could stress me out. *Work out. Endorphins can help you relax and sleep better later. Plus, it can get some anger out if in fact you have this issue. *Veg in front of the tv. *Go out to eat with a friend(s).
I find that compulsive list-making works well for me. I make to-do lists and ideas lists because I find that once I write something down, I can let it stop taking up space in my head. I have one of those little black moleskin journals that I keep in my purse with me and use it for list-making, note-jotting, etc. I have grocery shopping lists in there, clothes shopping lists, a list of cds to import into iTunes, movies I've watched, movies I want to watch, books I want to read, places I want to travel, etc, etc, etc.
Sometimes when work is occupying all your thoughts, it's hard to fight it. But getting out, having a beer or coffee somewhere, watching tv or a dvd, or cleaning helps me start relaxing. Usually I'm so wound up from the week that it takes me awhile to wind down on Friday afternoons.
My favorite thing to do is take a walk with someone and just talk. Talking a little about work, but just releasing pressure in all areas and getting my mind on someone else's life as well. My most favorite is to take a walk with a BF and, I know it's cheesy, but hold hands - and maybe not talk at all but just be together and look around the world.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Clean something - I feel SO much better when things are picked up and cleaned off - half the time, I realize I feel almost all better when the little messes that I've been putting off dealing with are cleared.
Write about what's bugging me, turning it into a funny story if possible. Nothing really matters that much if it can be funny. This is ESPECIALLY true of ongoing stressors, like a bad boss. I started writing email upates on her insanity to a group of friends (we named her "the chief"), and it totally switche the vibe from "Oh my god if she pulls this crap one more time I'm going to jump out that window, and I'm taking her damn plant with me so she'll fricking CARE" To "Ok, what's she pulling now? This is AWESOMELY bad! The girls will love it!" Which helped my nerves a ton. (I think a couple of my friends were almost jealous... they'd be all, 'Well my boss is kind of bad, too..." But of course no one could top The Chief.)
Work out. It's to the point htat if I don't work out, I'll get into a horrible mood.
Cook something that will be difficult enough to distract me, and at least a little bit healthy. I eat so much crap these days, that it's amazing how much better I feel when I eat real food.
Meet a friend for a drink. Being social and having to do the work to get outside myself and pay attention to someone else always gets me out of my head.
Do a good deed for a stranger. Ok, this used to be a once a week habit, but I have to admit, it's been rarely used these days. But it makes you feel like SUCH a good person. Quite the glow. I have to start doing this again.
most days work out. if it's been too long or rough of a day....
pour myself a drink and go outside (usually with my SO) and walk or hang out on the roof deck. it's nice to just be outside. for some reason just being outside with my SO enhances our communication. even in college all my best convos with my girlfriends were outside.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
wow, dizzy, you and i are stress reliever twins! i clean, write and work out too. i especially love cleaning the bathroom. it's gotten so that just the smell of Pine-Sol helps de-stress me, how Pavlovian is that?!
I to work out - or if I am too tired to go to the gym, at least some streches at home. I also love taking baths. If all else fails, a large glass of wine generally does the trick!
dizzy good tips. i am so bad.. my first thought was "DRINK!" hehehe
but working out is probably my number 1 de-stresser. i feel that after a workout i'm more focused and can see things in a better view (like trying to remember that's it's just a job and not my life or who i am etc etc etc). i think that's why i love my kickboxing gym. total destresser! i love punching and kicking.. plus it's a crazy workout.
meeting up with friends is also good b/c it gives you something to look forward to during the day and keep your mind off the stupid things.
i also like to spend time with my animals.
also hello, shopping! usually just window shopping :)
I call my friends up, and say "let's go." Plus, usually everyone that is at happy hour, had a bad day/week too, so it's always fun to de-stress with everyone. Plus, sometimes I just can't sit in my house all stressed out by myself. It helps to get out and talk to people.
I have my bf go out and buy me a bunch of those little mini booze bottles in a variaty of kinds and then I go buy a few trashy gossip mags. drink the booze read the mags....destressing at its best.