The primary was yesterday and due to an unplanned change of events (ie my supervosor getting sick) I'm back home for a day or two. Absolutely exhausted from working 12-16 hours days since Friday, but very happy to be home.
I had a decent time aside fro mthe lack of sleep and totally sketchy motel (I've never seen such filth before. It was disgusting. There was literally a blood stain on our wall!). Got to see Niagara Falls which was nice. It was just a short break, but I'd never seen them before so I'm glad I had the opportunity.
i was just thinking about you earlier, and where they had you staying - a bloodstain on the wall!?! jesus. i have some horror stories about places i was stuck on campaigns, but i don't remember any blood.
i did, however, stay in an apt. above the carnegie deli with a CRAZY old volunteer lady and her weird cats...turns out the cats belonged to the girl who was murdered in the apt. upstairs a year or so was a big story, some drug deal gone bad i think, she was a "somebody" in the music industry or something. needless to say, i got out of there as quickly as i could. and then she disappeared from the campaign. hmm.
anyway, glad you're back. i'm planning to hit the malls this weekend in search of a dress for a wedding. let me know if you're in the mood to shop. unless you want to catch up on missed time with dh, of course.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
asf- yeah. I just found out I'll be back til at least Monday so let me know what your plans for the weekend are. I think DH already planned to work some overtime, since I thought I'd be away, so I'll probably be free. :)