I've owned different cats before, and they've all had bad breath, BUT my cat i have now puts them to shame! My cats breath is disgusting! he can be meowing to me from the floor, im sitting on my couch and i can smell his bad breath! if i put my finger in his mouth, and then smell my finger.....
what can be wrong? or is he unfortunately a bad breath type of cat?
we've changed his food before in the past and there was no difference. we only feed him dry food and we feed him a good brand, i foget which one cause my husband or son automatically dump the food and a container and throw the bag away.
Tati, my cat never, ever has bad breath anymore and my vet told me that this is largely because she eats a special high-fiber dry food. She used to have bad breath before we started her on this food 3 years ago (we switched her because she was having problems digesting -- we didn't anticipate the new fresh breath bonus!)
The food is Hills Prescription Diet Feline WD. You might be able to get a prescription for it (ours is a neverending one for the life of our cat) or maybe you could find a similar non-prescription high-fiber dry food at your local pet store?
christine- thanks, i will definately look into that! i guess i should take him to the vet soon to catch him up on his shots and i'll definately ask the vet about his breath. i hope its something simple, like changing his food to high fiber.
I apologize I cannot comment about what to do for bad breath, but I would like to make a comment about what to feed cats. Cats are carnivores by nature, a high percentage of carbs are NOT supposed to be a part of their diet. Preferred is to have less than 10% of their total daily calorie intake. Foods such as corn, wheat and soy do not belong in a cats diet, yet they are the most common ingredients in dry food (and some wet foods).
My cat Pumba was recently recently diagnosed with feline diabetes, a result, I believe of the food I have fed him over th past 8 years. I've always given him "good quality" foods (IAMS, Science Diet, etc...) or so I thought. I urge you to educate yourself (links provided) and save your kitty now! You don't want to be me - giving two insuln shots a day and testing his BS 3-4 times a day, preying he will go into remission.
you could get his teeth cleaned- the last time I was at the bet, he just scraped the plague off my cats teeth. wet food will make their teeth stink too.
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