Yes I know this is in the wrong area but I figured I'm get more traffic here. D feel free to move it though if you'd rather this be under Ebay!
Ok so I'm cleaning out my closet and have some higher end things I want to ebay. Louboutin shoes, Gucci bag, Seven and COH jeans things like that. Only thing is I've never ebayed before and wonder if that will stop people fro bidding on my stuff since I have no feedback. Would that hold you back? Should I ebay some smaller things first and then put up the more designer stuff?
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
It wouldn't stop me unless I was about to spend a really big chunk of change. You can usually tell the sellers that are just cleaning out their closet and selling some stuff on the side - and I usually PREFER to buy from those people.
Yup, I think you need to list them post haste and post a link here on ST, especially if you happen to wear a size 7 shoe
In all seriousness, you have to start somewhere. I think if word in your listings that you are new to ebay, etc and just be up front then no one will be hestitant. And be sure to have lots of pics and details, that way it will put people at ease.
i think i would like to see at least 3 feedbacks before i would bid. i think you should buy cheap paper back books, magazine subscriptions, or jewelry (i have been buying bangles and they are usually under $10 including shipping).
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I would just go for it. That fact that these aren't new items would give some assuranance that you aren't peddling fake goods. Do state that you are new to ebay and are cleaning out your closet and if they have any questions that they should feel free to ask.
I listed my miss sixty dance boots last year with no feedback and it didn't stop anyone from bidding. Granted, they're not high end but still went for 200+.