Apparently Spain is not allowing anyone who doesn't have a healthy BMI to model in Fashion Week there. Italy will probably follow suit. It's really hilarious to see the modeling agencies say it hurts naturally "gazelle-like" models. I'm sure gazelles can maintain a healthy weight too.
Oh and I especially like the part where the Elite rep said that eating disorders were caused by poor eating habits at home and mothers that are constantly dieting. Hmmm... interesting theory...
It is interesting. I think that they are trying to promote good things, but I just wonder if it is going to work and if it will spread to other places...
I think that's really awesome, an is it kind of sick that I just realized I don't even consider kate Moss or Esther whatever to be that thin? I mean, just because they're not in Nicole territory, I think of them as normal or something ....
Dizzy wrote: I think that's really awesome, an is it kind of sick that I just realized I don't even consider kate Moss or Esther whatever to be that thin? I mean, just because they're not in Nicole territory, I think of them as normal or something ....
I bet if you saw them in person you'd think differently. It makes me wonder how awful Nicole Richie actually looks IRL. Ick.
sigh. after reading the article, i honestly have really mixed feelings. there's just a pandoro's box of individual autonomy vs. state action issues to deal with here. while i agree that the fashion industry has significant influence in shaping a society's acceptable body image, the though that of medics making models submit to BMI just doesn't sit well with me. especially because BMI isn't necessarily a universally accepted barometer of what "healthy" is.
also, this quote really worries me: "If they don't go along with it the next step is to seek legislation, just like with tobacco."
Exactly who is going to draft this legislation? and how would it be enforced? and do i really want a government telling me how much i can/can't weigh? that is some pretty heavy-handed (no pun intended!) legislation, don't you think?