Our new kitty Milo we think has a UTI. He has bood in his urine today. We were out of town for the weekend and BIL watched him and everthing seemed fine. We have a vet appointment but for now he does not want to go in the litter box at all. From what I read it's typical because he associates it with pain. What can we do to help him until we get in to the vet? Will he ever go in the litter box again, after he's well? Is there something, anything we can do for him now?!
Aww poor Milo! I have cats but neither of them have ever had a UTI but I think it's kinda common in cats. Before you can get to the vet, you should go to thecatsite.com. There are forums and lots of useful articles on the site. I've gotten a lot of information there.
Oh, poor little guy! When my kittens were new, they kept going to the bathroom behind the TV. We tried everything, but in the end, we moved the litterbox behind the TV. You also might want to pick him up and put him in the litterbox anytime you see him scratching the carpet (which I think means he needs to go). Good luck and I hope he's feeling better soon!
my cat had one and the vet said it was caused by switching her food. Who knew? anyway we took her to the vet and they gave us some small pills we had to give her. The vet said they try to go to the bathroom in odd places to get your attention. Mine kept going in the bathtub so it wasn't bad. After we took her to the vet she quit and the medicine fixed her right up.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."