Remember how I finally made my ob/gyn appointment after three years of not going? Well, I've been waiting for pap test results now for 3 weeks and usually if they are okay/normal they send you a postcard just saying that everything is okay. Well, I just checked my voicemail (at 9 pm) and there is a message from my doctor to call the office. I, of course, am now officially freaked out because this can't be good news. I also cannot call now because it is 10 o'clock at night.
I am sitting here in tears, freaked out and my husband tells me (in a mean way) to quit crying until I find out for sure what's going on. Can you get anymore sensitive???
Has this ever happened to anyone? Have you ever had a bad pap smear??? What should I prepare myself for?
Ugh, guys can be insensitive jerks sometimes. Try not to psych yourself out too much though, hopefully it's nothing. I'm crossing my fingers that all will be well for you.
abnormal pap smears are EXTREMELY common and nothing to worry about. also- your dr may just call to tell you the results are normal- my dr has done that before even though its not usual protocol and it freaked me out as well. don't worry!!!
twinkle wrote: abnormal pap smears are EXTREMELY common and nothing to worry about. also- your dr may just call to tell you the results are normal- my dr has done that before even though its not usual protocol and it freaked me out as well. don't worry!!!
Ditto to everything twinkle said. Abnormal paps happen all the time. I acutally had one once just because I was just finishing my period when I got the Pap and they couldn't get a proper reading. Try not to worry too much - you'll find out tomorrow. Keep us posted!
Yes, abnormal paps are very common! I know it's hard, but try not to worry too much about this. I've had some experiences with abnormal paps and everything worked out fine -- please feel free to PM me if you'd like to talk more. But in the meantime, try to not think about this until you talk to your doc.
I second what everyone else said... abnormal paps are really common. I and lots of other women I know have had them. But what I didn't know, at the time, was how common they were, so of course I was immediately terrified that I had cervical cancer, which is very far from the case. What paps test for are cells that might, if left alone for many many years, eventually turn into cancer. So I know it's hard, but please try not to worry!
I agree with the other ladies. Since it is so common, it is probably nothing. There is nothing that you can do about it now, so just try to relax and don't anticipate something that probably won't happen. Again, easier said than done.
Please don't worry too much! Abnormal paps are sooooo common. They can be triggered by so many things. Also, cervical cancer is so far away from an abnormal pap. Congratulate yourself for being brave enough to go to the doctor in the first place. I'm sending you good vibes!
I'm sending you good vibes too! As the other ladies have said, abnormal pap smears are far more common than you migh expect. If you want to hear about my experience, feel free to PM me. I know it's hard not to worry, but try to stay calm because it could be any number of things triggered by any number of things. Stay calm and positive!
"He does dress better than I do...what would I bring to the relationship?" ~ Clueless
Oh sweetie, try to think positive! Paps can be abnormal for all sorts of reasons. IIRC, I had an abnormal pap years ago, and I think it was a yeast infection that I hadn't known about. It was a while ago, but it was something like that. They also just can't blurt out personal information on an answering machine, so no matter what the reason may be, even something little, they probably just need to tell you person to person. Try not to worry, I know it's hard.
I'm sorry you're going through this. I feel somewhat responsible for your fear with all the times I heard "don't worry - people get called back all the time and it's nothing" and having shared that out with everyone. Also in that regard, I can't tell you to not worry. I freaked a bit when I got called back after my mammogram. Your reaction to this is totally normal. Maybe I can just tell you to be strong, and that you are capable of handling whatever it is that comes your way. I sincerely hope that everything is ok, and please let us know what you find out as soon as you know. I'll be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I've had a bad pap smear - they can be caused by a yeast infection sweetie - and if you're in your late 20s, early 30s, you're pretty much due for an abnormal pap. So it could be something, but it also could be nothing, and that's more likely, although of course it's always scary. Good luck!
First off, I hope your pap was normal. However, abnormal pap smears are very, very common. I've had a few and everything ended up working out just fine. PM me if you want more details.
Let us know how it turned out. I've had an abnormal pap before and I can't even remember why it was abnormal but it was nothing. Like other people have said, abnormal paps are very common and often don't mean anything serious. Hang in there!
First of all, thank you ALL so much for comforting me. You guys are the BEST! I was only able to sleep last night because of your stories and reassurance. I called my doctor this morning (sorry I didn't post earlier-we had bad storms and the power has been out today) and it indeed was just a yeast infection. I told the nurse, when I talked to her, they had me scared to death! I hate waiting for results!!!!
So you guys were all correct-it was nothing!
And as for you D-oh my gosh-please don't feel responsible for my fear at ALL! It was truly because of YOU that I even went-and I mean that!!! I have huge issues with going to the doctor, and worrying about being or getting sick. I was truly inspired by you to get checked. I know if it wouldn't have been for you sharing your story, I am CERTAIN I would have just kept putting it off. HUGS!!!
And about my husband...he gave me a very sincere, huge apology today and he said he was wrong for acting mean. He took me out to lunch and he said he will make it up to me somehow and will be more sensitive in the future.
So again-thanks so much for your support and truly appreciate all of you girls!
PS-girls, if you haven't gone to the ob/gyn-please go! I know it sucks but it feels way worse to have to go knowing you haven't gone in years-believe me!