My friend and I went paragliding today and I am SOOOOOOOO mortified. Anyway, I got placed on my tandem flight with a fairly goodlooking instructor, but more importantly a really nice person.
We went the northern route and were getting fairly high having a good time going back and forth along the cliffs. The instructor could tell I was pretty fearless, so he said we would take the southern route and then we could go over the water and do some tricks - woohoo!
Anyway in the midst of our conversation, chatting about how long he has done this, if anyone has freaked out on him, etc. he tells me that he has had really good experiences - no one freaking out, no one airsick. I proceed to tell him not to worry about me because I'm an adventure nut and don't get airsick.
Well 45 minutes later (you only generally get a 30 minute ride, but we were having fun, so he was giving me some leeway), I started feeling horrible.
Yep, I got airsick. This guy has been "flying" for eight years and I go and puke on him. It was so embarassing. Especially since it was so much fun to that point.
My friend thought it was hilarious and the guy handled it extremely well (he was very nice and thoughtful), but I am still ashamed!!
Moral of the story... even if you think never in a million years based on past experiences that something won't happen to you, the moment you declare how it definitely won't happen, it will!!
Oh well, can't wait to go back. I think I'm going to get certified. Is anyone certified? If so, how frequently do you find yourself doing it?
LMAO! OMG, I am so sorry that you got sick though. That totally sucks. I have no experience with that stuff, but your story made me laugh so hard that I just had to comment.
oh no! lol! you poor thing! ...I know, murphy's law... I am not fearless like you, so I have no advice, but I think that's a really cool "sport" to participate in if you can handle it.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
blah, blah, blah... where are you from, what do you do, are you married, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.... are people scared, do they freak out, have you had any accidents, almost killed yourself.... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah .... no accidents, no I haven't almost killed myself, this is a great and fairly safe sport, worst thing that happens is people get airsick.... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... have you had anyone get airsick?, no one airsick in my eight years.... oh well, no worries about me.... I fly all the time, I love adventure, I skydive, blah, blah, blah (let me impress him more, etc., etc.), I never get airsick (in fairness I DID mention I get boatsick), blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....look at the beautiful ocean....blah, blah, blah... look at the beautiful mansions (you paraglide along the cliffs in La Jolla with these gorgeous mansions), blah, blah, blah.... the people below us are nude (you also paraglide over Blacks Beach, the local nudie beach), blah, blah, blah....let's go down south and then we will turn over the water and I'll show you some tricks (me thinking-I'd "like" to see some of your tricks), blah, blah, blah....this is beautiful.... blah, blah, blah.... IN MY HEAD THINKING... uh, oh, I'm not feeling well... what do I do... Do I tell him to turn around... I think I might puke up that hotdog I got earlier at the snack stand... oh shit, oh shit....blah, blah, blah (trying to talk around the pain), blah, blah, blah.... Um, you aren't going to believe this, I'm getting airsick..., blah, blah, are you kidding me?, blah, blah, no, I'm not kidding you..., blah, blah, blah, we'll turn back and I'll land it in three minutes... I can't believe this is happening.... don't worry about it, just tell me which way you are going... blah, blah, blah.... to the right.... whew, just a dry heave (I actually said this - one of the more mortifying moments).... blah, blah, blah... two minutes.... and BLECH! directly into the helmet (his helmet, I might add)... oh my god, I can't believe this happened, blah, blah, blah, don't worry about it, are you okay...I'll have you on the ground in a minute... blah, blah, blah....
cut to 5 minutes later - (me scrubbing the helmet vigorously), he checking up on me to see I'm okay....
cut to 25 minutes later - friend goes up... friend comes down... I am still there... my poor instructor lands with his next "victim"... comes up to my group... reminds me (and everyone else) that I don't get airsick... everyone has a good laugh at my expense...
The end... of one of the more "humbling" experiences in my life!
Thought I would just add the commentary to give everyone a "true" picture of what happened.
On another note, if anyone is thinking about doing it, it really isn't scary and is relatively safe (D - you could definitely do it, no fearlessness needed). For anyone making a trip to San Diego, I highly recommend it.
Next up, hanggliding. Hope that doesn't make me airsick. Definitely no hotdogs from the snack stand prior to that trip!!