So I'm turning 30 this year in December and we're going to throw a big party at our house for it. But I'd like a sort of theme for it and I don't want it to cost a fortune. I guess we'd like the theme to carry over into the food decorations etc. Any ideas?
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
casino night--have a couple of tables set up with blackjack or poker and play for tickets
international or around the world theme--you could have different food stations like tapas, sushi, mexican, indian, thai etc.
Napa Valley or a wine tasting party-- different cheeses and wine flights. You could hire a wine connoisseur to come in
black and white party--everyone wears black or white and you could string up white lights in your place or get some big trees and put the lights in them
tacky prom -- you could have a balloon arch and hire a photographer to take photos with a prom theme. elect a king and queen.
Salsa party- have sangria, tapas and hire a salsa teacher
Pimp and Ho party -- make your place look like a Madame's House
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one.
i really like halleybird's idea of a great gatsby theme!
*edited b/c i didn't read that you wanted it at your home - if you don't, blw is what i initally posted* :)
fun! my sister is turning 30 this november and she's having a roller skating party. there's a rink by her house that let's you bring in alcohol and any food that they don't sell. it's basically a throwback to her childhood so all of the skates will have FOUR wheels! :)