Thanks so much everyone!! This has been an amazing two days....I'm sure I speak for Kari too when I say we appreciate all of your support and cheers!!! And good luck to those of you who are still waiting!!!
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
Congrats, girls! I remember the relief I felt when I passed the TX Bar--it's totally indescribable. Just think, you'll probably never have to take an exam like that again in your life!
Thanks to all of you for your support and well-wishes all summer and for your congrats now! I still can't believe it's true! Now, I just have to figure out how to be a lawyer! Seriously, I am walking around this office like a lost puppy most of the time.
Good Luck to all who find out later! Jahni & I are pulling for you...if we can do can!