Any of you know your results yet? Ours (Oklahoma) come out tomorrow and I am scared to death! My stomach already hurts! I am so afraid of bad news. To make it all worse, ours are posted on the web for the whole world to see. Many will know my fate before I do.
Wow, that is so early! Our results (Illinois) won't come back until first week of October or so. I'm nervous too-- just reading this post made my stomach flip. Oh well-- we just have to hope for the best.
Best of luck-- I'm sure you rocked it!!!
"He does dress better than I do...what would I bring to the relationship?" ~ Clueless
wow, that is husband's results didn't come out until Oct 28 last year. he was in agony waiting. he actually got a letter the day before they went online and i called and met him for lunch with the letter so he could see it right away. it was so nerve-wracking just being there! i haven't taken the bar, but i know how you girls feel! if it makes you feel any better, no one DH knew failed (cause, yes, the results were all online and public). oh, and everyone at work told him to go home once he found out he passed, so we spent the rest of that afternoon drinking champagne.
wow that is early, in california we found out the week before thanksgiving. the exam-taker was able to find out on friday if he/she passed and then on sunday the results go public and then a week after that a letter comes in the mail.
the worst part was the countdown. the ca state bar site would say however many days until results are available. like 2 days before results, 1 day before results, 1 hour before results, 3 minutes before results.
and then, when the ticker thing finally says "bar results now available", you put in your name, your exam registration number and your social security number and the screen goes blank...and then your name pops up. and above your name it says "the name below was/was not found on the pass list." and that's how you know.
i shudder just remembering it. i passed and was ecstatic for about 15 minutes but then one of my best friends called crying because she didn't make it and then i started crying and then the night kind of just went downhill. needless to say, it was a very bittersweet thanksgiving that year.
good luck girls. just know that we're with you no matter what.