The paperboy just came to the door. I think he was like 15 or 16. I opened the door and he said, "Hi. Is your mom or dad home?" I started laughing and he looked at me like I was crazy and I said, "I'm 26 years old. This is my house." He was like, "Oh, ok. Well do you want a free paper?"
Hehe. I had someone mistake me for a high schooler a few weeks ago, too. I was shopping with my mom and this guy was doing this newspaper promotion. He snagged my mom and I and the whole time he was talking to her and acting like I wouldn't be interested in a newspaper.
When she decided to decline the offer he was selling, he looked at me, shrugged and said, "Hey, I tried to get you a $10 gift card" (which was the promotional item he was offering). I looked at him and said, "Well, I have my own place, I could subscribe to the newspaper if I wanted to." He looked completely baffled and said something about me looking like I was in high school. I laughed hysterically and told him thanks, I'm 27.
Cortney1982, I think they're supposed to card anyone who looks under like 40 or 50 but they usually don't, at least not where I live. I've noticed that I'll get carded if I have my hair back but I won't if it's down. And if I buy beer or something at the grocery store and I have my baby with me, I won't get carded. Last night I had my hair up and I was wearing a hoodie and charlotte beach pants, so that was probably part of it. I wonder if he would have thought I was older if I'd been dressed nicer?
I still get carded for lotto or scratch tickets. Unless I have my girls with me. As if having kids with me automatically make me over 18. I hate it when people assume your age!
what a funny/cute story! I think it's pretty difficult nowadays to judge how old or young a person is; people seem to take better care of themselves with such an emphasis on good health, skincare, etc. But I've seen your pics, and you do look young. Actually, of all the pics of everyone on this board, we all look like we are still in HS. For me, it's the round face/cheeks.
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
Similiar thing happened to me last year. We had just moved into our new house and since it was a new delvelopment some women decieded to throw a "meet and greet" at the country club for all the new homeowners.
So she knocks on my door " Oh hi, we wanted to invite your parents to our meet at greet next sat. Here is the flyer, can you make sure to tell them no kids allowed?"
I told her I was the owner, and she says "my god how old are you! 20 ? Your husband must be much older - did he buy the home?"
She was so rude! Assuming that I was to young to own a home, then assuming I married for money. RUDE!
I told her I was 26 , and so was my husband , then politly declined to attend the party.