This morning I was walking our dog in the off leash park and she bit someone. The park is a big field and a guy came up behind us on a bike (where bikes are not allowed but whatever). We didn't hear him, he didn't have a bell or make any noise to let us know he was there and when we turned and saw him I think she was startled and she went after him and nipped his leg. She didn't break skin but after I leashed her she was barking and acting really aggressively towards the guy.
She has never bitten anyone before but it really scared me. The guy said he wasn't pressing charges but he was really mad. I'm really upset because I don't want a biting dog. We have been to obedience class and we work on training all the time, she is usually very well behaved. How do I deal with her now? How do you train a dog not to bite people when she hasn't bitten anyone before? help!
I don't think this one time makes her 'a biter'. She reacted to the situation just as she should have - she felt threatened, and relied on her instincts to protect herself (and you). This is the reason bikes are not allowed in dog parks! Why would he think it was a good idea to ride his bike through a group of off-leash dogs he's unfamiliar with, in an area where bikes aren't even allowed?
Hubby and his family have 2 big dogs, both labs, neither of them have ever bitten or been aggresive ever. Except, when someone comes around them on a bike. If it's someone they know well (like hubby), they won't actually bite, but damn they sound mean!
Not sure what it is about bikes - do they not realize that it's a person on a bike, and think it's some other animal entirely?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
First of all, I am so sorry. My dog hasn't bitten anyone, but he scares really easily and he used to react by barking in a semi-aggressive manner. I know how heart wrenching it can be for an owner. Please keep in mind that EVERY dog has a breaking point at which they feel threatened enough to react that way.
I would try to keep her calm for the next couple of days. When we were working with an animal behaviorist she told us that when a dog has a scare like that, it can take up to three days for their system to get back to normal in terms of adrenaline.
Did she chase the bike and bite him or did he come close enough for her to bite? You could do some bike orientated training. Like give her treats and praise when she remains calm around a bike.
This is actually why I don't like to take Mitch to off leash parks very often. I've heard too may horror stories.
Oh, I am sorry! I agree with Elle -- this doesn't make her a biting dog IMO. A trainer may be able to help you, but I am not sure I want my dog to think it's OK when a strange man comes out of nowhere while we're out alone, you know?
I'm glad he's not pressing charges, but for your sake, try to type up your version of events (as much as you can remember, including what he said), date stamp it in MS word and save it, just in case.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde