After launching and/or acquiring 12 magazines in the last seven years--one of the most aggressive records of any publishing company--we have reexamined the viability of some of our development titles.
Unfortunately, because the performance metrics we set for new magazines were not achieved, and because of the challenging economy, tough newsstand environment, and rising paper and postal costs, two magazines will be discontinued: SHOP Etc. (after its October issue) and Weekend (after its September issue).
Quick & Simple, another title in development that was introduced last year, is showing steady improvement, and we will continue investing in that franchise. We remain committed to introducing and acquiring new titles, investing in our established ones, and growing our new Digital Media unit. This will further build our existing magazine brands' presence on the Web and into other new technologies, such as mobile, video-on-demand, and podcasting.
We thank Mandi Norwood, Cindy Lewis and their staffs at SHOP Etc., and Susan Wyland, Lauren Michaels and their staffs at Weekend, for all their hard work and dedication.
-- Edited by zeitgeist4 at 11:00, 2006-08-30
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
In a way I'm glad - I thought their photos totally mispresented the clothes/purses/shoes. The colors, textures, etc. always looked WAY more rich and beautiful in the magazine than they did in real life. At one point I was looking through the magazine and I saw some shos and I was like, "WOW, those shoes are gorgeous!" then, after looking a little more closely I realized I actually had the shoes - it was just that the photo made them look so much different and totally made the color look way more saturated.
There were several times I ordered something online that I saw in the magazine, only to have it arrive and be pretty crappy looking. Obviously, the photos need to make the items look good - but I felt their photoshoping or lighting or whatever were overboard.
that's interesting, i didn't really like the mag all that much, but it seemed like the market was there
also, when Budget Living folded, the publisher sent me a letter saying they were going to honor the rest of my subscription with ShopEtc...i wonder what i'll get now to complete this sub...
this doesn't surprise me... this mag never quite seemed to get it right. I feel like it was trying to be both Lucky and InStyle (their clothing spreads) and it was kind of awkward there in the middle.
Shop, Etc. never really did all that much for me. They weren't as creative as Lucky and there didn't seem to be much in the way of consistency. Sometimes it was good, sometimes not so much. I also feel like they never had a consistent "look" and they didn't have a particular demographic they were aimed at--some of their looks were older and some were younger. I also feel like since the magazine was divided up into Fashion, Beauty, and Home, they tried to be everything, but in the end didn't really do all that great a job at any of the sections.
This doesn't surprise me about Shop, Etc...I agree with Kitty, they made everything look a lot better than it really was. I also thought most things they featured were too expensive.
Weekend, I never read, but isn't that an even newer magazine than Shop, Etc?
I agree that it was never really clear what they were trying to do or be - it lacked a cohesive message or style, and I was never very impressed with I saw or read.
I won't miss it.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Eh. I won't miss this mag, either. I was annoyed that they seemed to tout that they were more sophisticated than certain other shopping mags and aimed at an older demographic. I believe that actually did an article once on the fact that women in their 30's/40's have more shopping power. The whole tone of the article annoyed me.
The first thing a magazine needs to develop beyond its content is a voice and Shop, Etc, never really found one. As is the case, I believe, with Cargo. All of these Lucky wannabes are just falling flat on their faces.
I agree. I always found Lucky to be a pleasure to read -- even when I didn't necessarily like the outfits featured, it was just so beautifully laid out and photographed. But Shop Etc. had a more cluttered design and seemed to be trying to appeal to too many types of people. I'm not too surprised that it didn't last.