where can you buy pepper spray? i honestly have no idea. do they sell it like at Target?
i have a class this semester that gets out at 10 pm...in downtown Atlanta...and there are parking lots near the building, but some get full and they're all in a sketchy area regardless, so i just want to make sure i'm taking every precaution.
I'm wondering, too. I alone live in a bad part of town (today in a class my professor even referenced my corner as the one where all the crackheads live!), and I'd like to have some sort of "security" I can keep in my purse and by my bed
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
i just read about this in an article in the nypost on thursday - it might be an option for you. it's pepper spray designed for woman who go out at night. small enough to fit in your clutch, but it also serves the purpose.
if you google self dense wepons, there are a bunch of sites where you can find all sorts of pepper sprays in different sizes. i have one on my keychain, and a big one in my desk drawer at work, and a medium size one at my house. i am extremely paranoid.
May I recommend this one specifically? I have it and it is ultra handy. YOu just flip the ring and squirt it out the end. You don't have to take it out of the usual pleather case and fumble with it. Plus, it puts your keys on a swingy thing, so you could really whack someone with them.
Thus far, mine has been most used as a really handy way to find my keys. Sticking the rod in a purse pocket or in my waitband running into the grocery store real quick.
I have the medium sized one. I've seen the smaller one and I would probably get that one if I had it to do again.
My cousin sprayed mine once, on the carpet of the stairs, and I can vouch that it is super strong. We called the fire department because we didn't know what it was.
My cousin sprayed mine once, on the carpet of the stairs, and I can vouch that it is super strong. We called the fire department because we didn't know what it was.
Wait, did it actually cause a fire? You said you called the fire dept... I've never seen pepper spray sprayed, but I've heard people talk about when they did and it seems like if it would catch your carpet on fire, it would catch your face on fire... which I don't think is literally the case
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
No, it didn't catch fire, but my cousin didn't admit he did or sprayed anything. He went outside and started playing (and wheezing), so we just smelled this awful smell that made our throats burn and didn't know what was going on, so we called the fire department. They came in all their gear and gas masks. Then about 10 minutes later came out and asked if anyone had any pepper spray. I did and went to get it for the fireman, and noticed the spot on the carpet when my cousin sprayed it. The house was inhabitable for hours.
Oh, and it was the day I went to get better aquainted with everything before I was their nany for the summer. What a great impression I made leaving my pepper spray when a 9 year old could find it.