My phone broke and I need to get a new one. I am looking for recommendations as to what to get. My company is Verizon so I can get whatever they carry. Are the Razor phones that great?
i have a motorola PEBL and i adore it, but i'm not sure if verizon carries it (i'm w/ t-mobile). also, i just saw a verizon commercial saying they were carrying lg's new chocolate phone, which looked really cool.
Do you have a budget? Will you also be taking advantage of an upgrade if you do qualify, what features are you looking for your phone to have?
The LG models are great beacuse they produce great sound quality, and also better battery life. The LG8500 Chocolate is a cell phone/ mp3 player. It has an SD card slot, 1.3 megapixel camera,its thin and light, and it has bluetooth.
I personally do not like the Razr only because they have a high return rate, the ringer is not that loud. It does have a great appeal to it.