This is not a case of the mean reds, like from breakfast at tiffany's, but I still feel sad and bummed out. I had a meeting with another potential client last night and I think I blew it--I got nervous and flustered for some reason, and came off as really green and inexperienced and clueless. Which I AM, but obviously in order to woo clients I have to conceal that. Thing is, I have confidence in my design ability, but not in my real-world hands-on skills and experience, cause I have none--and apparently I can't fake it. I know that will only come with time, so I'm not worried, it's just frustrating that I can't be as poised and confident as I want to be. So I don't think he's going to want to hire me and I'm disappointed with myself for not carrying it off as well as I could have.
Also, I just need to get the hell out of my job. I'm so deathly tired of doing closing sets and indexes and things that have beyond nothing to do with me, my interests or my talents. It's depressing. Hopefully unless something goes terribly wrong I WILL be leaving soon, but knowing I have that on the horizon seems to make it that much harder to concentrate and work diligently while I'm here.
Please forgive me, but I am not familiar with what it is you do for a living.
Anyway, I totally understand how you feel. I still feel "green" from time to time as a younger woman in a corporate world. You've just got to dress the part and act the part ... you'll get 'em in no time. What you really need to do is believe in yourself and then you'll find you won't be stumbling over your words -- you'll be perceived as an expert and a leader.
We all have to go through this, unfortunately. It is a growing process.
Let us know if you end up getting the business! Chances are, you are just being too critical of yourself and you really did great!
Good luck, and know you can always come here to vent.
aww, I'm so sorry. I'll never ever forget my first appt in a new job - I was completely prepared & I got in the room & there were about 6 people there & I really thought I was going to listen to them but they all just looked at me. I was freaked out & had no clue as to what to say. Guess my point is that we've all been there.
Can you practice with people you know? I know it feels & sounds crazy but I think it will help. Maybe get some friends that will humor you? Sounds like you know it is part of the process but that doesn't make it any easier.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Oh, why so blue panda bear? ( sorry, I couldn't resist using a quote from my fav commerical)
I totally understand where you're coming from, especially having had worked in the interior design business. The first time someone actually wanted me to come to their home and tell them what to do I was so freaking nervous! One way to overcome that nervousness is to remind yourself how fabulous you are and how lucky they'd be to have you. And just go into an interview with the mindset that you are interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you, you aren't going to do just anyone's place
I'm sure last night's interview went better than you think.
Ugh - that sucks, sephorablue. I know what you mean. I've had two experiences lately where I got the no-go. They probably weren't the best opportunities for me and each experience had some value but still - rejection, especially when you feel you didn't live up to your potential, sucks.
But I'm sure you came across better than you think you did. And if you didn't get the job, it's probably better that way. Maybe it would have been a horrible job. (This is what I tell myself in similar circumstances.)
Besides everyone has to have a bad time every now and then so they know how to get better and improve. But I'm sorry you're feeling bad. I hope things look up soon.
i think it's totally normal to feel the way you do...even though i'm sure you didn't do nearly as badly as you think! but even if it didn't go well and the guy decides not to hire you, every interview you do is just more practice and maybe after this you'll get an even better, super amazing opportunity and ace the interview after learning from your disappointments this time.
but is your ability to quit your day job (you're a paralegal, right?) riding on your ability to drum up some business? is that part of what's making you feel bummed?
regardless of all that...cheer yourself up, do something nice for yourself! *hugs*
thanks for the encouragement ladies! I do have a shot to redeem myself--I'm going to do a little mock-up tonight with some of my ideas for his space and email that to him, so hopefully that will get him intrigued, and I'm also going to send some pictures I took of my own home. It's nothing spectacular, as my budget was obviously a small fraction of what he's contemplating, but at least it's a real live space. (He was hoping to see photos of finished jobs as opposed to my student work, which are all just concepts).
It was just frustrating because I know I CAN do the job--I wouldn't feel comfortable taking on a job that involved any reno or extensive interaction with vendors and contractors, cause I don't have the experience OR the time, but his project is pretty limited in scope.
And FP, you hit the nail on the head--it weirds me out having people look to me to tell them what to do. I've been doing what other people (parents, teachers, bosses) tell me for the past 27 years, so it's disconcerting to have someone else be clueless and look at me like, "so now what?" I think, especially with all the damn HGTV shows, that people may expect me to walk in, look around, and then open my mouth and say, "OK! Let's do this, and this, and this, and this!" When in fact it takes time to develop ideas, and it requires a ton of input from them so I hone in on what's right for them (as opposed to just what I personally think would look good in the space.)
So anyway, I'll keep you all posted... fingers crossed that he's intrigued by my mini-proposal and decides to hire me!
I hate that feeling! You know you can do something and all you need is to be given that chance, and getting flustered can just be so upsetting. Sending him those pictures is a great idea. FWIW, having met you in person I think you come across as very calm and collected, as well as having a rockin' style and general fabulousness, so maybe it went better than you think.
Oh Sephorablue I know that feeling cause I get it every time I meet with the client and ask a question. I usually feel like an idiot after I leave the meeting and like they feel the same way about me but oh well that is part of the learning process and I have learned that they don't know any more than I do even though they do it every day.
So with that said I'm sure you did fine and it just takes some practice and confidence building such as the method I use. You obviously know more about design than him because he is the one looking to hire you.
I understand the part about telling people what to do and feeling weird aout it since you have been listening to other people tell you what to do for so many years...I was a young tv producer and I had to tell my older, more experienced talent what to do...I was so afraid that tey thought whay am I listening to this stupid little girl...keep your head up and just have faith in yourself and your abilities