"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
awww thank you guys sooo much!! His name is Gideon Cash and he was born 2 weeks early on july 22 so tomorrow he is officialy 1 month old! It was sort of funny when I went into labor I was sleeping and I was having this dream about being in middle school playing dodge ball with those red textured rubber balls and everyone was hitting me in the stomach!! So I woke up and my contractions were 3 minuets apart and the hospital I go to is 40 miles away, so my boyfriend drove like a bat out of hell the whole way. By the time we got there I was 8 centimeters and was only in labor in the hospital for 2 hours before he was born. His daddy went on and on how "awsome" his little testicals were, it was kinda embarrasing! lol. I am really proud of myself for not having any pain medication. The only crappy thing is that if you guys remember I had an IUD which didnt work and was stuck in my uterus, well that damn thing wasnt in my uterus it is stuck to the out side of it, so on sept 11th I have to go in and get it surgicaly removed. bahh. well any ways here are some pics of him when he was a new born gettting his first bath in the hospital and the first time he was dressed and last weekon his boppy and with a blanket I made him . oh and one of my daughter just because shes beautiful!
Wow your labor was fast lucky gal! He is so handsome I love this one. His face expression is so cute..Your daughter is beautiful How old is she?I love those cheecks of hers