I'm going to be on travel for work for two months and need a "portable" hobby so that I'm not completely bored out of my mind. Thinking about knitting- I've done a little before, but never finshed much more than a scarf. How did you learn? Any books you recommend? What type of project should I start with?
To be honest I learned really quickly that I'm NOT a book learner - I need to watch someone do it. So I went to a knitting circle / meet up group. But if you aren't interested in that, this is where I go now when I need a "real life" lesson - the videos are very clear. As far as books I would start with Stitch N Bitch - it has cute patterns & is really interesting to read - the author's writing is adorable.
Knitting Help If you go to that site, I'd do English knitting because it is what most books show & it can get confusing when you don't have someone to go to when you are stuck if you do Continental (which I do). Don't worry about the difference - it will confuse you to no end, just trust me! Also, don't get discouraged - the cast on (getting the yarn on the needles to start knitting it) is the hardest part when you are starting. I gave up really quickly thinking this is just too hard. But it gets entirely easier.
I'd start with a really basic scarf. Find some half way chunky yarn (i can give you some cheap recs until you know if you like it) & just cast on 20 or so then knit until it's long enough. That is the easiest thing to do to start. I knitted just scarves for about 8 months.
HTH - anyone else want to chime in? Agree with me? Did I forget something?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Hm, well I actually used to do quite a bit- I'm pretty sure that I can still knit and pearl and cast on (off is another story ). The last project I did was back in HS and I was doing a cable knit sweater...but then I got bored/busy with life and stopped. Do you still recommend stitch and bitch? does it have any projects or anything in it?
I guess I'd ideally want to do something a little more fun/ stylish than a scarf (although I'll do a scarf to get myself back into it!) but not anything that's going to take like, months to finish. I guess something that'll take a week or two if I have an hour or two a night to work on it?
Well, that does change things a bit, but not really a lot - my 2 favorite reference books for "how to" stuff in case I'm stuck are the SNB book & Vogue Knitting: The Ultimate Knitting Book. I think the patterns in SNB are really stylish, but you might want to flip through before buying to see if there is anything that you are interested in. The second book in the series (Stitch N Bitch Nation) actually has more patterns that I like but the instructions are for more advanced things, but you might just be ready for that!
If I were you I'd start back up with a scarf that includes knit & purl to get you back in the swing of things. As far as something more stylish - like what did you have in mind? If you don't want something that will take a while (sweater) then give me an idea - a hat? arm warmers? headband / headscarf? If you look at the runway shows super duper long scarves are everywhere....
I will dig on craftster for a few things that I love but it's down for maintenance until 11 pm tonight. So I'll look tomorrow.
Also, if you are going to hit the bookstore, flip through the new Vogue Knitting & Interweave Knits - those are my 2 favorite magazines & the patterns are really pretty - though some of them can be more intermediate / advanced - again, not sure how confident you are feeling about jumping in to increasing / decreasing & stuff?
-- Edited by laken1 at 23:13, 2006-08-21
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Hm, I guess the problem is that I don't want to do a sweater (I think I'd get discourages by how long it takes) but I don't really have a clue as to what I'd like to do! I'll take a trip to BN and checks out those books/mags and poke around those sites. Thanks! If you have any other fun resources, let me know too! :)
ITA - I am very very close to finishing my first sweater & I am about to poke my eyeballs out. I just want it to be OVER. And I swear then I'm going to hate this sweater forever (though I'm told this is normal & will go away when I'm done). But I don't blame you.
I'm going to check out some stuff today & I'll post some links.
Anyone else want to chime in? luckylily? I know someone else pretty active knits too but now I can't remember who....
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I am going to edit to the post all day so check it later on. I'm sure I'll think of some other things I forgot about.
I also suggest poking around on Craftster. If you go to the completed projects or the KAL (knitalongs) you can see finished items & something might catch your eye. A lot of those patterns are free, though some of them aren't, so just be aware. There is also an area where people post completed items that were knitted out of the SNB books so that will give you a good reference point for the books too Craftster.org
-- Edited by laken1 at 10:42, 2006-08-22
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad