No fun here. Being lazy its my day off. Iam needing to go clean the bathroom but I keep putting it off. Iam looking through the delias catalog and making my wish list fot the fall. Wishing I could order things now
Target or Borders are always my favorite places to go when I'm bored. I'll treat myself to something fun at Target or peruse books and magazines at Borders.
I'm searching for jobs this afternoon, so you probably don't want to do that.
Homework, Housework and parts of a bathroom remodel. It's been a day of chores or things that make me look forward to doing chores.
On the up side, my vanity light is installed, and I made hubby a HUGE lunch, so will have to be frozen for him to take to work during the week (gets me out of future cooking) and I've stuck to my diet pretty well this weekend.
I did scout Sephora for some make up I think I need to wear to a wedding on Friday, was going to order online, but to get it here in time would be an extra $20. I'd rather go to the mall and spend the extra $20 on another product.
Well I'm still in my PJs, because I stayed at my bf's new apt last night and we couldn't use the shower this morning because he forgot shower rings! (I know that sounds grody, I swear I'm not a disgusting beast, I took a shower right before going over there last night)
But after I finally get in the shower, I'm having a BBQ with some friends, and then getting ready to start school tomorrow!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Me and hubby went to the pool for a couple hours and then got some ice cream. Now we're just at home, he's playing computer games and I'm doing laundry, fun and exciting!
I'm restless too. DH is in the recording studio all day. I told him to take the car (we share one), and now I wish I had it because I'm getting restless. I'd like to go running, but it is a little too hot right now. I'm watching Fashion Police right now. I'm actually thinking about planning outfits for the week, which is something I never do.
Work for my professor on caseloads and bedloads in obstetrics. As far as I can tell, there are no actual clinical guidelines for how many patients an obstetrician can have at one time, nor are there any studies done on the optimum number either. How am I supposed to find them if they don't exist??? And why on earth are there no published guidelines, wouldn't you think that the American Medical Association would have these type of things? (added right after I posted: Elle...wanna help? I know this is totally your thing!)
Anyway, that's what I'm doing. That and redoing my MySpace page- it's pretty now, and interesting. I pretty much changed everything, or at least rewrote stuff.
Oh yeah, and sweating. I'm sweating a lot. And the air conditioner is running. WTF?
Oh! One more! Which totally doesn't belong here because it's not really something I'm doing- but it's what I'm thinking about...the bf comes home tomorrow! He's been gone since early July, and before that was only home for about a week and a half because he spent pretty much all May and June away as well. Oh my lord, I have to clean. And learn how to share the bed again.
-- Edited by relrel at 18:36, 2006-08-20
-- Edited by relrel at 18:37, 2006-08-20
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I am sick and pissed at my coworker for spreading her germs to me. I need to be studying for my exam next sunday but I can barely keep my eyes open and my head from hurting. I'm taking a sickie tomorrow so I don't spread this to anyone else and to keep up with the studying.
Oh and I'm sweating and freezing at the same time.
Got back from our trip yesterday so I decided to clean the burb today since it got pretty dirty inside. Now I am being lazy and getting those back to school butterflies in my stomach!
I was out of town for the weekend, so I came home, cleaned the house and grocery shopped. Now I'm waiting for the William Shatner Roast on comedy central.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
halleybird wrote: I'm waiting for the William Shatner Roast on comedy central.
We tivoed it & are watching Star Wars so we can fast forward through commercials. Gosh we are such sci fi nerds today! But I can't wait to see the roast. I William Shatner & the commercials made it look like he was a really good sport about it.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I just put my baby boy down a few mins. ago after nursing him for what seemed like 3 hours straight, and now i am eating dino shaped chicken nuggets with my daughter! I need to clean and do laundry which is next on my list. oh and watch my daughters new elmos world tape with her, I got sooo sick of watching the same one over so I went out and bought all the epsoids I could on dvd.