My lil bro has a football scholarship and he reported to camp on Saturday. When he was recruited, the coach told him that they didn't have a starter (he's a QB) and that he and another guy would be competing for the position. However, that was a big fat recruiting lie and the coach already had a QB lined up, and the guy has had the playbook all summer. Bro's pretty bummed. The only reason he picked this school was because he thought he had a chance to be a first year starter.
Anyway, I feel bad that he's so down and I want to send him a little something. Does anyone have any ideas for a care package? I know the basics but my mom already sent him one so I'd like to do something a bit different.
Hmm, well, obviously the first thing that comes to mind is a roll of quarters. Despite it being a boring part of a care's totally necessary and he will appreciate them immensely.
How close are you with your brother? Close enough to send him stuff about girls/beer (not sure if he's into that because I'm guessing he's still only 18...but it is college)? What about sending him a book of drink mixes/recipes? I'm trying to think about things that would really help a young man out on a new campus with girls and such or that would impress the guys. I don't know if you can send this through the mail...but a four-pack of Redbull might be interesting. Just trying to think outside of the box here that would be different than mom's care package.
Or does he have an iPod? Would he like a gift certificate to iTunes?
Gift certificates to Subway or Quizno's?
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Then I would wrap it all up send it off.. I always did different varations of kits for them - like "soreity party" or "First final" etc. They always looked forward to them.
cookies? guys love food, and anyone who has moved away from home for the first time loves homemade things. But remember to ship them in ziploc so they don't go stale!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Using alliegurl and halleybirds idea, you could do a movie night theme, with dvds, popcorn, candy in those movie boxes, etc.. I also really like alliegurls all nighter kit, thats so cute!
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
Totally academic, but I loved border, barnes and noble, etc GC so that he doesn't have to pay for books. Ooh and Starbucks GC would be great! Rolls of quarters are a great idea. Side point, I thought when relrel first suggested a roll or quarters that he would be able to use them to knock out his coach for lying (if you hold a roll of quarters or dimes, you can do some serious damage, F.Y.I.).
Thanks for the ideas, you guys are awesome. I think I'm going to do a movie night thing, plus the basics. I'll make him cookies as well, since I love to bake but try to keep that stuff out of my house (I have no self control!).
calichic, I love what you said about knocking out the coach. I'll have to let him know that's what the quarters are really for :)
I hate to be stupid here, but what is the roll of quarters for - other than knocking out the coach? My little sis just went off to college & I'm completely stealing all of these ideas. When I was in college quarters would have been great for the laudromat & cokes - but she is in an apartment & has her own washer / dryer (spoiled little witch - don't get me started ) . I guess she'll still need some caffeine though, huh?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
laken1 wrote: I hate to be stupid here, but what is the roll of quarters for - other than knocking out the coach? My little sis just went off to college & I'm completely stealing all of these ideas. When I was in college quarters would have been great for the laudromat & cokes - but she is in an apartment & has her own washer / dryer (spoiled little witch - don't get me started ) . I guess she'll still need some caffeine though, huh?
The only thing I would think the quarters would be good for is laundary, but it has been years since I've been an undergrad.
*Giggles* Wanna know the best present that I've ever gotten my sister? A bucket of cleaning supplies! You should totally send your sis a care package of cleaning supplies- it sounds incredibly mean and lame and my sis hated me for weeks afterward, but then realized how wonderful having somebody buy you all those expensive cleaning supplies was.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
*Giggles* Wanna know the best present that I've ever gotten my sister? A bucket of cleaning supplies! You should totally send your sis a care package of cleaning supplies- it sounds incredibly mean and lame and my sis hated me for weeks afterward, but then realized how wonderful having somebody buy you all those expensive cleaning supplies was.
That's completely awesome relrel. Yeah, I don't think she's realized the cleaning issues they will have yet, or the expense involved. I love it.
Sorry to highjack your thread TST. As I realize your little brother probably doesn't want cleaning supplies either & I'm pretty sure it wouldn't cheer him up...
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
laken1 wrote: I hate to be stupid here, but what is the roll of quarters for - other than knocking out the coach?
Laundry, usually. Although at my school our ID cards were also debit cards and we used that to pay for laundry in the dorms.
On a side note: There's also a drinking game called Quarters. He could use them for that! Nothing like encouraging underage drinking!
Another thing you could put in the care package is a pair of flip flops. Every college kid can always use another pair of flip flops! (For the shower, hanging around the dorm, etc.)
ttara123 wrote: cookies? guys love food, and anyone who has moved away from home for the first time loves homemade things. But remember to ship them in ziploc so they don't go stale!
That's what I was thinking. Guys love homemade cookies and snacks. Lots of good ideas
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
NCShopper, that's what I used to do with the quarters my mom sent me!
Thanks again, ladies. I really appreciate it. I think this is what I'm going to send.
quarters, chocolate chip cookies, iTunes gift card, DVD, Jelly Belly candy (he loves these and I live like a mile from the factory), Culver's gift card, flip flops, and a couple of t-shirts for practice (I also live super close to a Nike outlet) and random snacks.
The cleaning stuff is a great idea but my mom said she stocked him up with all of that before he left, so he should be good. I'll definitely do that later in the year though. A drink book will probably come later, too. Don't want him to get started too fast!
Laken, you didn't hijack! I'm glad you got good ideas for stuff to send your sister.
Don't forget the febreeze for times when he hasn't done laundry.
A cool poster for the dorm room, some cd's, chex mix (my friends mom made a HUGE batch and would put it in a trash bag and deliver it in old pop-corn holiday tins. It was very popular)