Hey everyone: I haven't been around for about a month or so but had some time today and thought I'd give a little update (I hope you guys even remember me!). My husband, 15 month old girl and I moved to Cairo 3 weeks ago. We are still getting settled in--only some of our unaccompanied baggage has arrived and we don't have dsl or our US phone line hooked up yet. It is absolutely amazing here though! We live in a nice part of Cairo with lots of villas and trees but for the most part the city is extremely dirty and overpopulated (although fascinating). It's amazing to drive down the highway and find yourself right behind a donkey pulling a cart of fruit or bread (or kids) for example! Little English is spoken here but I've been learning a bit or Arabic to get by, and the people/locals are generally very nice. We live very close to the Nile and have walked along side it, had dinner on it, etc. It's beautiful but so contaminated that if one swims in it he/she will get very sick. The other day my husband saw a decapitated horse carcass floating around in the Nile near Giza (where the pyramids are).
Anyway, I miss being on this forum and "seeing" you guys; I plan to be a more active again soon once my life settles down a bit. I hope you all are doing well! Did I miss anything good??
hey there! sounds like you're settling in well. I would love to experience what you are experiencing (sans the headless horse in the river - could you imagine if that was in the states? it would certainly be on the news - in egypt, I be no one blinked an eye).
as far as missing anything good, you'll have to read up!
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Hi Alb - of course we didn't forget you! It's good to hear from you. Glad to hear you guys are settling into your new home. Be sure to post some pics as soon as you can. I look forward to seeing you around here more often
Hey alb - I have been wondering how you have been. That is so exciting! You are definitely missed. The Dallas area gals are trying to get together in October...we will definitely miss you!
You should post some pics of your neighborhood. I hope you have an amazing time there and please give us updates!
OOPS - I just read that you will be here in October!!! I am so excited!!!
I'm glad you are doing well and enjoying your new life (sans MIL). =)
How is your pregnancy going?
Please post some pics- I would love to see a more typical life than a touristy one (for example the pics of when someone vacations there). Oh and please post some of Lucy too!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Hi! Odd -- I was just thinking about you this morning and was going to email. Happy to hear that you are all settled and are enjoying your neighborhood. How cool would it be to take a walk along the Nile on a daily basis if you so chose to do so! I'm so excited for you, A, Lucy and new baby to have such a wonderful opportunity. Take care and keep in touch. Miss you. Also, hope all is well with the rest of your fam. Was wondering if the MIL wanted you guys to get a webcam so she could see Lucy as often as she wanted?
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
So glad to hear things are going well! I was wondering about you! Ditto to posting pics--I've always wanted to go to Egypt and I'm dying to see pics. I hope you get your DSL hooked up soon so you can hang out with us more!
Hey again girls--I will definitely post pics as soon as I can. I plan to take a bunch this weekend and hopefully will have them uploaded shortly thereafter. To answer your individual questions and comments:
D--You're right about the Egyptian gov't not carrying about things like the dead horse in the river. I guess the locals are immune to the diseases the water carries so the gov't doesn't care. I don't know any expat who would dare to go near that water or even the tap water though. The even weirder thing about the dead horse was that there were small children playing about 100 ft away in the river! The things we've witness the Egyptians do here never cease to amaze us. They seem to have no concern for their safety or anyone elses. It's really odd, but fascinating.
Ayo--Yes I regret that we didn't get together--it's my fault, I was super stressed out and overwhelmed b/c we left. did you ever get tog. w/ dewdk? You should!
HeatherLynn--Thanks for asking about my pregnancy. it's going well so far--I'm about 6 1/2 months now. I am so glad that I haven;t had any problems so far. I do have to go back to the States to have the baby though, because the medical care here is appalling! I'll post some new pics of Lucy, as well as Cairo, soon. I hope things are well with you!
Misty--We do have the webcam but we got it on our own volition (I wanted my parents to see Lucy). The MIL has been keeping a low profile recently--thank God--although I am SURE I will be pulling out my hair once I get to Ft Worth. I think Lucy and I will have to stay with them in Dallas for at least one weekend--so you'll definitely be hearing from me then (I'll need to breakaway)!
NCShopper--The shopping is kind of hit or miss. There are some things you can get here that are great quality and cost next to nothing--mostly things for your house. They have quite a few really cool stores w/ home accessories, etc. that I've frequented, mainly b/c the clothes shopping pretty much sucks. You can also take a picture from a mag or catalog of a piece of furniture and they'll make it for like a fifth of the price. I've found one brand of organic cotton baby clothes that's sold in high end stores in the states but is dirt cheap here--so I've stocked up on that stuff. There is a Mexx here that I plan to check out--not sure if prices are the same. Also, I hear that there are a coupe of stores that sells BR clothes for super cheap, b/c they're made here, and not all of it gets exported. Not sure if it's anything good or just the rejects though. Anyway, I'd say in general, compared to Europe, the shopping suckes UNLESS you do your homework and find the good stuff. It's been fun hunting for good shopping though! If anyone's interested, all post when I find something good. Oh also, you can have clothes made for a good price. I have a file of dresses and other stuff I've ripped out of mags to show a seamstress after I have the baby and lose my baby weight, so that will be fun. Okay, sorry to write a book on this!
Hey girls: Mikacat--I am flying to Texas (Fort Worth) to have my baby on Sept 23rd, but he's not due until 11/20.
Any news on the adoption? how do you like Chicago?
not much on the adoption except slow as ever. we thought we might get her photo monday but China only did 7 days worth of referrals for a whole month this time. so disappointing. we are painting her room next weekend and running the chicago half marathon. We love Chicago--it is fantastic and so much to do. THe shopping and food are great and people are really nice here.
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one.