Sorry this is the wrong section- just wanted to see if i could get a few responses by 1 pm. I need to find some white china dinner plates but in bulk- maybe about 30 pcs.- very simple but maybe with a ridge around the edge. I just don't know where to look and what stores have decent quality- the budget is $2 to $3 a plate. I can check out restaurant/wedding supply stores online or in the nyc area if anyone knows of any. thanks!!
I think a kitchen supply store would be your best bet. I would look on google or yahoo local to find some or even the phone book (I forget about those things- too internet dependent).
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Heatherlynn is right, try kitchen/restaurant supply stores in NYC. I know there are some near Chinatown. I think on Bowery street, close to the lighting stores in the area. Sorry I don't know the actual addresses to the supply stores. But I know they are in that area. May be you can a search on it. HTH
Check out party supply and wedding in the yellow pages (online or irl). They always have quality pieces they rent out. I always start there when I'm in need of a unique party piece and don't want to spend a lot of $$$.
Jade wrote: Heatherlynn is right, try kitchen/restaurant supply stores in NYC. I know there are some near Chinatown. I think on Bowery street, close to the lighting stores in the area. Sorry I don't know the actual addresses to the supply stores. But I know they are in that area. May be you can a search on it. HTH
Yep, there are a bunch on Bowery. There's one on the west side of the street just north of Houston and there are a lot south of Houston. I'm sure some of them will sell you a small number of plates.
I found this place online which has 9" plates priced at $28 a dozen but you need to place a minimum order of $100.
ETA: I found a list of restaurant suppliers on Bowery.