There is a posibility my hubby may have a job offer in the area. Can anyone tell me good communities to look into, with good schools and demograpics? I would like to be in an area with other young families and good schools. I know nothing about the areas, so any info would be great.
Oh, boy. I don't have kids, and know very little about the schools here except that Georgia sucks regarding education. Last I heard, we were 49th out of 50 states for quality of ed. (ahead of only Mississippi). A LOT of people here put their kids into private schools...
Most of our friends with children have toddlers, so I don't have anyone I really know who is facing the schooling issue directly yet.
Are you looking primarily in the city of Atlanta, or the greater metro area? We live in Roswell (suburb north of Atlanta proper). There are a fair amount of families in Roswell/Alpharetta (Alph is another suburb v. close to Roswell). Housing is significantly less expensive here than in town, which is part of why we're where we are. Another area that I've heard good things about, slightly closer in to the heart of Atlanta, is Dunwoody.
Atlanta is a city that is sharply divided between ITP and OTP (Inside and Outside The Perimeter). The "Perimeter" is I-285, which circles the city. A lot may depend on where he'd be working vs. where you want to / can afford to live...commutes can be very long. Traffic here is a bear.
I don't know a whole lot (only lived here a year, still renting, no kids)...but I do know that Gwinnett County is supposed to have some of the better public schools in the greater metro area, if you're willing to live in the suburbs. but yeah, like atlgirl said...traffic...ugh.
I don't know a lot either, but my friend just went through the same process (neighborhood & school shopping) & they moved to Suwanee, GA. She's pretty picky so I am assuming it's pretty nice.
30 miles outside of Atlanta - but her DH was pretty used to commuting & in Dallas 30 miles is typical.