how do we know if our dogs are allowed in stores or not? i took my little dog with me into Target the other day and a man that works there told me no dogs are allowed because they carry food in the store. so i walked outside with her and waited for my husband to pay and while i was outside i noticed that none of their entrance doors have any signs up saying "No Pets Allowed" like i know i've seen posted other places. i was there a few days ago and saw someone there with their dog in the shopping cart so i thought it would be okay to take her in. i want to be able to take her places with me but now im afraid of getting kicked out......
I think it depends on the person/store/situation. I was just at Nordstrom Rack today and saw someone with their dog in a purse. I was also at the grocery store and saw the same thing. I do however think that its a general rule that animals (except for handicapped needs) are not allowed in stores/places with food. You may want to check your local "dog friendly" website for your town to see what places allow dogs. I know that in my town, there are quite a few restaurants that have outdoor seating where dogs are allowed. Hope that helps!
It totally depends on the store, who is working, etc. Generally, I never expect to be allowed in anywhere with my dog, but there are some exceptions. A coffee shop/bookstore by my house lets me bring my dog in. My dog is not a purse-sized dog -he's 23 lbs. The owner told me he can let dogs in because he has no public bathroom (?). I don't know why that would matter, but he seems to think it does, so I take full advantage. To be honest, I don't even remember how I first found out that the owner didn't mind. It seems like I have always taken my dog there. I guess if you are a regular somewhere, you could always ask the staff if its okay. The Anthro that I go to always has people and their dogs in it. I've seen some big dogs in there, too.
I always see dogs tied up in front of places, including sit down restaurants. I would never tie my dog up, because I'm too paranoid he would be stolen.
When I worked retail, I would never have kicked someone out because they had a dog, but my bosses probably would if they saw them.
I bring my dog everywhere in the little carry bag I showed you. Even the grocery store, which is totally not allowed, but she stays totally quiet and no one has ever noticed.
Generally, I've found that most stores don't mind if you keep them in your arms/bag. But anywhere that sells food will be stricter b/c it's against health regulations.
Restaurants allow dogs if they have outdoor seating that is not walled off.
If it's small, in a carrier and quiet, I say okay. What's nasty is when people will put their dogs straight in the cart with shedding hair and their behind on the cart. Wouldn't want to be the next person using the cart, especially putting clothes in it.
I think most stores have a policy of only service dogs allowed. I've worked retail and I've seen people bring in all kinds of animals including cats and birds. I also think it's gross when the animals are placed in the carts. Once someone even used the store's towels that were for sale just to use for their dog to sit on and not buy it. Plus problems with animals going to the bathroom in the store. But I think it is okay for a small dog to be in a carrier.