Here's the DH and I are planning on spending our 2 year wedding anniversary in Greece next May. Its a big one. Figured it would probably be our last big trip since we are thinking of starting a family soon after that.
So my husband's brother and his wife (who is also my good friend) were also planning a trip to Greece in may. When we were all talking about our vacations this came out and my DH and I said "lets go together".
They were hesitant at first since they didnt want to intrude on our plans since it was an anniversary trip but DH and I really don't mind since we really enjoy their company and encouraged them to come with us. Plus we have been plannign a big trip like this together before we all have babies.
So we've been doing our research and turns out our trip coincides with mother's day weekend. We don't want to sound inconsiderate but it really didnt matter to DH and I. We are both close to our moms (we see them jusy about every day) but as cliche as it may sound, we feel like Mother's Day is every day and we just aren't so hung up on that day.
Well his brother and wife have a big issue with that and asked us if we woudl consider postponing the trip an extra two weeks.
I have a problem with that. I really want to be in Greece on our anniversary. I'm sure my DH wont care post-poning, but I have a problem with that and I dont know what to say. I dont want to sound inconsiderate since I know they are also spending a lot of money on this trip but I dont want to make them feel like they have to follow our schedule. I want us all to be on the same page and I just dont know what to say!?!?
Maybe you could go to Greece in time for your anniversary, and they can come later and meet up with you for the first few days of their trip/last few days of yours? Not sure how that would work because I don't know how much time is in between mothers day and your anniversary, but ....
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I like Elle's idea. If worse comes to worse, just go on your own. I had my 5th anniversary on the French Riviera - it is nice to spend the actual anniversary at the destination.
-- Edited by D at 17:15, 2006-08-10
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I don't see it as a big deal to say, "I guess we can go together on the next trip, since I can see your point, and I know what I want too, and the scheduling just doesn't work out."
As long as they get the message that you really understand what they want, and expect the same courtesy for what you want, it shouldn't develop into a "thing." Because I know what you mean - this is the sort of situation that totally has "thing" potential. Hope it works out.
monica wrote: i agree w/ elle - if you can get your trips to overlap then that would be ideal, pending the timing allows.
i also agree! if it works out with them great, if not, who cares? its about you and your husbands anniversary. so don't feel bad, they should understand.