In leu of my recent issues I have been feeling sorry for my self these past couple nights. Well, last night I was home alone and I decided to make myself some apple martinis to take the edge off. So I sat and drank and watched Sex and the City and it was just fabulous, until my DH came home to find me passed out on our big arm chair and had to assist me to bed and I woke up with a giant hangover. Guess I drank more then I thought I could handle. Way to get drunk by myself.
Also in leu of recent issues I haven't had much of an appetite so in the past 3 days I have eaten the following:
pretzles and dipping cheese 3 bowls of corn pops a bowl of macaroni and cheese chocolate milk
I have also been listening to WAY too much Fiona Apple and I should stop because it just makes me angrier about my recent issues, but I don't care because I am allowed to be mad so I am doing it anyway.
Luv2Shop - sorry your dealing with this right now. I hope things work out, and the 2 of you slowly, openly, and lovingly work through these things. I know it's hard.
My confessions:
I CAN'T wait for school to start, as my oldest DD is driving me BONKERS! The summer boredome has set in! Plus I want some alone time with the little one.
I'm starting to harbor some resentment for my hubby getting to leave the house everyday, for work. Then come home and unwind while I cook dinner and clean up after the meal. While all day I've been cleaning, doing laundry, entertaining the kids, making other meals. But when he offers to help I don't let him. UGH what IS wrong with me?!! It's like I want to feel entitled to be mad at him...
ETA: It'a 11:00 am and iI am sitiing here in front of the computer in my PJ's still, EVEN THOUGH the baby is sleeping and I could be in the shower
Oh man do I need this. L2S, I'm sorry you're dealing w/all this - things will get better!
* I finally, for the first time yesterday, admitted how much debt I'm in and then I had to do the unthinkable, to me at least, and call my parents and ask them for financial help. Secretly, I'm so embarrassed and ashamed, even though I know I shouldn't be, and know that they don't think any less of me.
* I've been so stressed this past week, I have been eating like total crap & barely eating. Last night my dinner consisted of frozen TGIFriday's potatoe skins.
* Also, because I've had so much on my mind, i've done jack sh*t this week at work. I mean jack. And I have work sitting here to do, but I cannot concentrate.
ETA: * Tonight for dinner, I had chocolate cake I don't think I've had a real meal all week.
I miss calculated when paying my bills this month and I left myself with less than $10 until I get paid on Tuesday. At least all my bills are paid.
Hanging out with my friend for a week made me really miss being young and free and having fun girl roommates. As much as I love my bf, I really hate living with boys. They are messy and lazy and never buy groceries.
I can't be bothered to do any work. My boss is on vacation so no one gives a crap anyway. I played 2 hours of computer solitaire yesterday.
itsapinkthing wrote: I'm starting to harbor some resentment for my hubby getting to leave the house everyday, for work. Then come home and unwind while I cook dinner and clean up after the meal. While all day I've been cleaning, doing laundry, entertaining the kids, making other meals. But when he offers to help I don't let him. UGH what IS wrong with me?!! It's like I want to feel entitled to be mad at him...
-- Edited by itsapinkthing at 12:06, 2006-08-10
Oh, I hear that sista!! DH always comes home and sits down and says "so what were you thinking about for dinner" Why am I the one who has to think about it and plan it (and most of the time make it) I have a lot to think about during the day. It's like I am the one "in charge" so I have to plan the meals. And the other thing is that if he cooks, that means I have to clean up after dinner to make it "even" Yea, like all the housework is even, HA!!!!! If I made a chart of what I do around the house and what he does, it would be VASTLY unbalanced!! lol Even my ass
i woke up the other night and seriously considered hitting my husband over the head with a bat. i am with pink and L2S. i get up at 6 every morning, go to work for 6 hours and listen to people order me around and bitch and complain all day with hardly a quiet moment, get off work to go pick up my daughter and take her home, clean up the house, cook dinner, do bills, deal with my rotten 3 year old who throws a fit every other second over wanting to wear her shoes in the house and i get about an hour of quiet a day between the time she goes to bed and i go to bed. i come home yesterday, and hubby had yesterday off, and did nothing. i sit down on the couch for 2 minutes, and before he even says i love you how was your day, he wants me to sit on the floor and rub his back while he watches cartoons. WTF!!!!!
so my confession:
i confess to wanting to kill my hubby in his sleep last night, to being 10 seconds from smoking a cigarette, i cought my self, but almost. drinking 3 tgifridays pina colodas, and making myself sick because i hate rum.
My apartment is a mess. I have not wiped the bathroom or the kitchen floor in a month. There are probably things growing in my bathroom and I'm so tired everyday after work that I just don't care. My laundry needs to be done so badly it's not funny.
I make the most money I ever have in my current position and I'm still grossly underpaid. I found out that if I was a member of the union, I'd be able to make twice what I'm making currently which would send me out of debt in a couple of months time real quick. So. Depressing.
I haven't been to the gym in two weeks because I've been so exhuasted from working 10 hour days and a longer commute than I've done in a long time. I have gained almost twenty pounds (ALL in my utterly repulsive!) two dress sizes and am dressing like shit in general because right now I feel fat and that's all. Thank goodness for Rachel Pally or I'd never leave my apartment.
Plans for DC fell through and I'm really dissapointed. I miss the East Coast sooooo much.
I think my BF needs to consider the fact that normal people do not eat dinner at midnight.
Metric wrote: As much as I love my bf, I really hate living with boys. They are messy and lazy and never buy groceries.
Amen! and Amen!
I guess I have one..
I don't enjoy pregnancy..I try to enjoy it..I really do..because I guess I feel like I'm suppose. Sure, I'm happy to be having a baby and feel incredibly blessed but in all honest the minute she is developed enough to survive outside the womb..I want her OUT.
* I got a bonus and I already spent it all. I am horrible with money and I have way too much debt. I keep saying I will stop, but I don't!! I tried to do a budget last month, and it was so hellish I just gave up. I NEED to get control.
* I haven't exercised in at least 8 months
* I purposefully, and maliciously stole someone's parking spot the other day. They had their blinker on and totally were there before me, and I just cut them off to get the spot because I was tired, sweating, and miserable and I thought that if i had to look for parking for one more second I was going to kill someone.
ayo - I felt the exact same way. I think a lot of women do and never admit it out of guilt. With all the complications I had I felt so very guilty to not enjoy pregnancy every step of they way because my baby was growing, but really I just wanted my BABY not the pregnancy.
ayo wrote:
Metric wrote: As much as I love my bf, I really hate living with boys. They are messy and lazy and never buy groceries.
Amen! and Amen!
I guess I have one..
I don't enjoy pregnancy..I try to enjoy it..I really do..because I guess I feel like I'm suppose. Sure, I'm happy to be having a baby and feel incredibly blessed but in all honest the minute she is developed enough to survive outside the womb..I want her OUT.
itsapinkthing wrote: ayo - I felt the exact same way. I think a lot of women do and never admit it out of guilt. With all the complications I had I felt so very guilty to not enjoy pregnancy every step of they way because my baby was growing, but really I just wanted my BABY not the pregnancy.
ayo wrote:
Metric wrote: As much as I love my bf, I really hate living with boys. They are messy and lazy and never buy groceries.
Amen! and Amen!
I guess I have one..
I don't enjoy pregnancy..I try to enjoy it..I really do..because I guess I feel like I'm suppose. Sure, I'm happy to be having a baby and feel incredibly blessed but in all honest the minute she is developed enough to survive outside the womb..I want her OUT.
You guys should not feel bad about feeling this way! I've never even been pregnant but I'm dreading it because, well, it's nine long months of discomfort and fatigue topped off with an incomprehensible amount of pain. It doesn't mean you don't love your children--it just means you don't enjoy the process of growing them inside your bodies. I don't think this is something women should feel guilty about at ALL. Who the hell came up with the idea that we were supposed to ENJOY it?
1) I had ice cream for dinner Monday night, then promised myself I would eat something healthy Tuesday night. So, Tuesday night I had TWO bowls of ice cream for dinner.
2) I am on ST right now and shouldn't be because I have LOADS of work to do.
3) I haven't vacuumed or washed my floors in three weeks. Ew.
4) After ST, I will probably check my personal e-mail, some celebrity blogs and some shopping sites before settling in to do some "real" work at about 4 p.m.
5) I have absolutely no food in my fridge or cupboards (except ice cream in the freezer) because I would rather lay in bed from 6 p.m. till bedtime eating ice cream and watching TV than go to the store.
6) Sometimes when I am on the phone with my boyfriend lately, I don't listen to what he is saying or I just roll my eyes.
Oh man, y'all are cracking me up! This is why it's good to be a girl.
Here are mine:
I'm still kinda mad at my BFF for acting like big, selfish baby when a group of us went out last weekend. I told her she made me feel uncomfortable and then I told her I wasn't mad but I still kind of am. And she doesn't like IKEA and most of my furniture is from IKEA so that irks me too. I'm so lame.
The boy is sooo busy at work lately that I feel like I haven't seen him and when I do, it's just something brief and I can tell his mind is elsewhere. I'm trying really hard to be understanding but it's difficult.
I'm too sleepy to do work. Period. And I have a lot of it to do.
Everyone in the whole world is going out of their way to annoy me this week. Of course it could be PMS but I really feel people are purposefully trying to f*ck with me. Taking the elevator one floor when I'm certain you know I'm running late? Bastard. Calling in sick today when you know I wanted to call in sick but felt too guilty? Loser. See? Everyone's out to get me.
You guys are great. I you all. Confessions are the best!
Ayo, don't feel guilty about hating pregnancy. I hated it too and I had the easiest pregnancy ever.
I ate a whole bag of pretzel chips for lunch. I don't feel *that* guilty because they're fat free and there's only like 600 calories in a whole bag, but I didn't eat anything else today.....not too nutritional.
Three years ago I quit smoking, but I've been wanting a cigarette for the past week. I don't know why and it's driving me insane.
I am crazy addicted to those Minute Maid frozen limeade/lemonade things. Once I ate four in one afternoon. It's like I can't stop myself.....
I have food issues. I always feel like I've overeaten, even when I haven't, and I think about food constantly. I am honestly surprised that this hasn't resulted in an eating disorder.
I love my dog dearly, but if I had known how much she was going to shed, I never would have considered getting her. It's insane. I'm surprised she's not bald.
I did about 10 loads of laundry last weekend, but I didn't fold any of it. It's all in a huge pile on a table in my basement. I won't even go down there because if I look at it, I'll cry.
I am so. freaking. tired. of the craziness that has been my life this past 2 months. I knew it was going to be utter chaos moving and then dealing with the wedding, but I thought after the wedding was over it'd get better. Wrong-O! A girl needs her routine!
We're nearly as busy taking care of stuff now as we were before the freaking wedding! We got lots of gifts, which is awesome, but the sheer volume of stuff is totally overwhelming. Our house looks like it ate another house and then exploded. I am tired of handwashing glassware, peeling motherf-ing stickers off things, taking the tags off something only to realize that it's broken and needs to go back, making 3,647 trips to Target to return/exchange/track down crap, I am tired of boxes everywhere - boxes are making baby boxes in my living room right now!
I am tired of all the Things That Must Be Done. You know what? I am done! Yessiree I'm sitting here in front of the computer today not doing a damn thing. I boycott Things That Must Be Done. I laugh in the face of Things That Must Be Done. Ha! Hahahahahaha!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Our house looks like it ate another house and then exploded.
okay, mine are:
-I spent the night at my ex boyfriend's house Tuesday night. Nothing happened, but it's also not something I want to tell my current BF, so I know it was wrong.
-Wednesday morning, I lied to my boss and told him I was sick so I could stay and watch The Fresh Prince in bed all morning
-I had Cheetos and Oreos for dinner last night
-I spent more money on bras this week than I've given to charity in this whole year
-- Edited by ttara123 at 00:29, 2006-08-11
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
-This past weekend I went to my best guy friend's wedding. He used to be in love with me and I've always considered him my back up plan. At the reception, I had a major breakdown realizing our relationship/friendship would never be the same. Thank goodness my girlfriend took me outside and nobody witnessed my melt down. It really was just like My Best Friend's Wedding.
-Despite losing my cool at the wedding, it made me feel better that the wedding was both cheap and tacky.
-I'm visiting my parents in Atlanta. Last night we went out to eat Mexican. Today I ate both my leftovers AND my sister's... without her permission.
-I bought a pair of black leggings today at Target. I was totally anti-leggings until I saw the cute feature in the People Style Watch magazine. And I tried them on and I gotta say, they are pretty cute on me.