So, yesterday I went to the ob/gyn for a confirmation of my pregnancy. He said he didn't think that I am pregnant (even with the 8 HPT tests that said I was), but will do a test anyway. He goes on about how early results hpt are inaccurate because women read them after the recommended time and blah blah blah. I tried to explain to him that I had read the tests within the recommended 3-5 minutes, but he wasn't really listening to me. So he gives me a pap and a sonogram. Come to find out I have a cyst on my right ovary, where most of the pain I had been feeling came from. He then rambles on how I am severely overweight and I should lose 20-30-40-50 pounds before trying to get pregnant and all this does is make me feel bad. Now, I understand that this is smart advice and I agree with him on the repercussions of an overweight pregnancy. But right now, I just want to know for sure. So he tells me to call around 2:00pm today for my test results.
I called today at 1:53 and was told to call after 3:00pm. So I call again at 3:15 and am told by the nurse that my test was never sent to the lab because my insurance is not currently valid. Mind you, I called Aetna on Monday to alert them that I was going to this doctor and I wanted to confirm that I was going to be okay and was told that my coverage is fine and up-to-date.
So, I call Aetna and confirmed that my insurance coverage up-to-date. The CSR also told me that they keep a record of all calls and have no record of my doctor's office calling yesterday. Ok, so they are either full of shit or something else is going on.
So I call the office again and get the message service because the office is now closed. The nice lady told me to call the brooklyn office since that office is open from 3-5pm. So I called and got the answering machine. Ugh!
So I call again at about 4:00pm and the nurse there told me that she could not help me because my file is in the Manhattan office. Argh!!
So now I have to wait to call tomorrow and argue with them. Why does it seem impossible for me to get a confirmation of this pregnancy? I am so pissed right now. But alas, there is nothing I can do. So, I am going to try to relax and deal with it tomorrow.
On another note: AF was due today and after some worrysome light cramping this morning, AF was nowhere in sight. Also, I had a really bad brief wave of nausea and actually had my first visit with Mr. Toilet. Yay! (Funny how I celebrate the weirdest!)
My abdomen is still feeling quite sore and my boobs are slightly sore on the sides. These are all good signs. I have been taking prenatal vitamins since the first positive HPT.
I have definitely decided to find another ob/gyn. I wish I knew where to start.
Your doctor sucks big donkey balls. Never see him again, 'kay?
If your home pee test says you're pregnant, you are. The pee tests docs use are the exact same thing at the home ones - truth is the home ones are more sensitive much of the time. A blood test is going to tell you the same thing, and if a home pee test says 'yes' then a blood test is also going to say 'yes'. DUH! Stupid asshat doctor .... Besides, it's not the docs test that makes you pregnant, it's you being pregnant that determines the outcome of the test.
And you should have a cyst on your ovary - that's what is producing the progesterone that is sustaining this pregnancy, yo!
Also, many women experience cramping and bleeding when their periods would have normally been due and go on to have totally normal pregnancies. There's lots of work being done in there!
Hang in there babe!
I'm going to PM you some possible leads to docs ......
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
sorry that your doctor and the office girls suck! but ask friends that have had babies for refferals, thats how i've found my 2 doctors that I love! good luck!
how horrible!! incompatency like that annoys me. good luck finding another dr. congratulations on the pregnacy! thats the important part, don't let the other stuff bug you too much.
Yay! I found a new doctor and hopefully she will be good. She is associated with Long Island Jewish Medical Center, which is where I would like to have my baby, so I am quite please. I have called a few people and she seems to have the most hours each week. They were even able to make an appointment for me today.
What a jerk! I work with M.D.'s all day long so I feel your frustration, some are sooo full of themselves. In my head I think, "You are probably one of the ones that passed with a 'C' so shut up!"
I hope your new doctor will be resourceful and supportive. Good luck!
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
Ok, so I went to a new doctor today. She and her staff was great. She did more blood tests (pregnancy was positive...Yay!!!) and gave me a sonogram. There are two cysts now, but she explained that those are normal. She did not find sac yet but said that is could just be a bit early. So I have to go back on Tuesday to redo my HCG tests. She wants to make sure they are increasing at an appropriate rate. There is a little bit of concern that I have been having such pain ful cramping at time and if my HCG levels aren't right, that could mean ectopic. But, I don't feel worried at all. I am, for the first time, at peace. I am pregnant and happy.
She said I can even take tylenol for the headaches and cramping. I think I will be going for another sonogram in a couple of weeks.
Congrats Irene - glad you found a doc you like, too.
There isn't really anything to be seen until 5 or 6 weeks along, which would be 1 or 2 weeks past when your period would have been due, so I'd try not to worry too much about it for the time being. She sounds very thorough .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
glad you found a better doctor--that first guy was unbelievable. Lecturing you about being overweight and then telling you you weren't really pregnant anyway... asshole.
I prefer a female dr for those reasons. While I'm sure there are some good male dr's out there- I have heard all kinds of bad experiences like that. I read Jenny Macarthy's book and she even had bad experiences with her male dr. I just stick to the females- they would understand what's going on better anyway. congrats on finding a good dr too!
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
I prefer a female dr for those reasons. While I'm sure there are some good male dr's out there- I have heard all kinds of bad experiences like that. I read Jenny Macarthy's book and she even had bad experiences with her male dr. I just stick to the females- they would understand what's going on better anyway. congrats on finding a good dr too!
Congrats & ITA with this. Hooray for understanding women gynos everywhere!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad