tell me again about this sushi names for you- what's in it?
It was called the Lawyer's Roll: yellowtail, tuna, tempura bits, avocado, and spicy sauce. The chef combined all the stuff DH and I loved into one roll. But, the sushi place got bought out this summer. So the Lawyer's Roll is no more. I'm glad you got a chance to go to Kabuki before it got bought out. It was so good.
what do you do for a living?
I'm an attorney for a gov't agency. Not the same money as a law firm, but I get every other friday off if I work 9 hrs/day.
what has been your go-to outfit lately?
With the nasty heat wave in DC, anything I can toss in the wash when I get home! My office window won't close completely (someone used a crowbar to get it to open at some point in the past). So it's been my Old Navy ribbon skirt and a short sleeve top or my Gap work pants and a washable top. When it's not 5,000 degrees out, it's my sevens, my green BR wrap top, and my green platform pumps. They're my favorite shoes right now.
If not a specific outfit, what type of combination?
I have a jean skirt from Mexx that I bought last fall. I wear it all. the. time. It goes with everything. And since skinny jeans don't look that great on me (I need to grow about 8 inches), I think it will be serving me well this fall so I can wear all my boots.
If you could invite any three peopl to a dinner party, who would they be and what would you eat?
First, I'd invite my former boss at my old HellJob, because when he fled from the place, he made several phone calls on my behalf and helped me escape, too. So, I worship him. Second, Jon Stewart. I watch the Daily Show religiously and I love his commentary on current events. And he went to my college. Third, probably my best friend, who I've known since I was 5. She went to grad school in TX and then lived in the UK for a while, so it's been forever since I've seen her.
As for what I'd eat, it would be hard to surrender the kitchen. I'd start with some Asian inspired gazpacho (i.e. a little bit of ginger, chili garlic sauce, oyster sauce, and cilantro), followed by some lamb with syrah sauce and asparagus, and a napoleon for dessert (Just because I haven't had one in so long!)
Not right now. I really want a beagle, but I think it would be unfair to the poor dog that DH and I are at work all day. So, I'd need to get two beagles so they could keep each other company when we weren't around.
What type of movies do you like ? What is your fav.?
I like action movies. I've never been a "chick flick" type of person. I have so many "favorite" movies. Some are Batman Begins, Full Metal Jacket, Blade Runner, and The Matrix (but not the rest of the triology).
When growing up who was your fav. famous teen male
Corey Feldman and Kirk Cameron! Until I saw Top Gun at a friend's house and then I gave up on teens and drooled over Tom Cruise.
What are your hobbies?
Reading, playing the violin, computer games/building computers, and in the past year I've really gotten into cooking.
what type of music do you like?
I guess rock/"alternative". My favorite band is Pearl Jam. Their album Ten was the first CD I bought back when they first got started. I like some newer stuff from Modest Mouse, the Killers, and Keane, but lately I've been nostalgic for 90s music.
DH and I saw the preview for the miniseries, back before it got signed on as a full-time show. We both got really excited about it. We're geek enablers that way. Neither of us had ever seen the original show from the 1980s, so we didn't really know too much about the plot.
Who is your BFF & how did you meet?
We met when we were 5 years old in kindergarten class. We were both waiting to see the principal. She was getting an award, and I was in trouble for splattering paint on a boy after he painted on me. Her mom was also my brownie troop leader. We went thru elementary, highschool, and ended up at the same college. She went to grad school in TX, but now she's back in VA again.
Any siblings? if so how many & how old?
Just me! DH is also an only child, so we had to learn how to share when we moved in together. I still don't like sharing the closet. I think about 2/3 of it is my stuff and he got the back wall.
Do you live close to your family / parents are far away
I live 30 mins away from my parents, which can be both good and bad. I think that because I live nearby, my mom has a hard time seeing me as independent.