I think that it is problematic because your dog can see out of the bag. If it were closed, i.e. dark, it might just chill out some. I think that once it gets used to being in a bag that they calm down and may eventually enjoy it. But I do think that some dogs are not "bag dogs."
I personally am not that big of a fan of it, but I only really think that it is mean if the dog hates it. JMO.
i carry my puppy in a bag w/me everywhere and she loves it. it looks like the bag you're using might be too small though... if she's resisting it, i'd wait till she's nice and tired and put her in it then to get used to it... she'll learn that it's fun!
i use this one, which is photographed w/a dog that looks just like yours!
I don't think it's mean at all. Dogs are social animals, and there's a good chance she'll like being toted around with you. I wouldn't push the issue too much if she absolutely hates it, but if you find a bag that she likes, she'd probably rather be in it than left at home! She's a cutie, btw!
it does look like the bag is a little small for the dog. i do think it is kind of mean. i am not a fan of the dog tote. it kind of seems like the dog is just there to adorn your outfit, like an accessory. JMO. but hey, you're not trying to strap one on me so go for it.
its okay, be honest here girls. but im curious on why you think its "kinda mean"....
Well, maybe I'm wrong? I don't know, it just seems like most dogs would want to just jump out and play. I can just imagine the dogs I've had crying to get out if i were carrying them around in that. But, could totally just be the type of dogs I've had...
People bring their dogs in bags with them to my store all the time and the animals love it. They get so much attention and are quite happy usually.
I do think you need to get a bigger bag, one the closes on the top. This way, if there is a situation wherethe dog gets scared, you can close it and protect him from the elements.
Other than that, go for it. Animals love the attention.
tunfortunately i took the tag off and threw away the receipt for the one i just bought
Target will let you return stuff without a receipt, they can look it up through the credit card you used. I'm sure even though you took the tag off, they would still return it. Their policy seems pretty lenient.
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