the Chicago girls have inspired me... we need another get-together! I know blubirde mentioned an upcoming visit to the city so it would be great if we could arrange it while she is here... BB, when are you coming?
I should add that Friday day and most of Saturday are packed with wedding stuff. My best times are:
Thursday afternoon/evening Friday evening (after 8:30) Saturday really late evening (after 11) - probably suitable only for bars if at all Sunday all day
shopaholic, a bunch of us met up in January for drinks and in previous years there have been other get-togethers.
Does everyone just want to meet for drinks? Drinks at someplace that has food too? The bad thing about meeting at the W bar last time was that they didn't have food. A few years ago some of us met for brunch and that was fun too.
seems like Thursday is looking like the best day since people are going out of town... and I agree re: food and drinks! But do we want a restaurant, or a bar that serves food?
shopaholic wrote: so is it settled? thursday meet up? is that today? or the 17th? and what time? i would love to meet up with all of you...but why am i so nervous??
i think it's next thursday, not today.
back when i posted at the lucky forum (four years ago?) a bunch of people got together, including some who post here, and i was very nervous the first time we all met. but then i had a great time and met some really great people. don't worry!
As far as places go, my girlfriend (who will be with me - she's so cute!) and I were planning on going to dinner at Tia Pol Thursday evening. Would that work? It's supposed to have great tapas.
blubirde wrote: As far as places go, my girlfriend (who will be with me - she's so cute!) and I were planning on going to dinner at Tia Pol Thursday evening. Would that work? It's supposed to have great tapas.
i was going to suggest that! it's a fun, casual tapas place with REALLY good white sangria :)
cc wrote: Thursday is good for me but I work until 7 so I wouldn't be able to come until around 7:30. I've never been to Tia Pol before. Can it accomodate groups?
After 7:30 works for me, too. We plan on doing some shopping before we go to dinner. I think Tia Pol recently expanded but I wouldn't bet my favorite shoes on it. I've read so much info. lately that it's hard to remember what's what.
How many are we talking?
blubirde +1 cc monica scarlett shopaholic sephorablue mckenke dot honey
And shopaholic I know exactly what you mean. I've already recruited a friend to come over and help me pick a cute outfit. Man, I'm lame!