Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me. I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond to everyone individually, as this ordeal has been emotionally draining, and writing to people and talking about it all day long every day has taken a toll on me.
I wanted to wait to update you all until I had my surgery date. I thought I wasn't going to find out until Monday, and I was starting to feel stronger today and was looking forward to having a weekend where I felt somewhat ok so I could be good and strong for Monday, but it didn't pan out that way and I received the call today.
I am scheduled for a bilateral mastectomy on August 22. As you know, I had no choice about the mastectomy of the right breast, and because of my risk, I've made the decision to have both removed.
If I had absolutely no family history of cancer, my risk of getting cancer in the other breast is 40%. Considering that my maternal aunt was diagnosed at 28, died at 30, my maternal grandmother diagnosed at 46, died at 48, and my mother having had both ovarian and breast cancer, my risk is greatly increased. I have had genetic testing done, but it takes a long time, and I had to make my decision now so the surgeons can schedule.
I think this is the hardest decision I've ever had to make in my life, but with my risk so high, I don't want to wait for it to show up - and how bad will it be the next time around? Cancer is nothing to mess with, and do I really want to play roulette with my life?
I will have reconstruction, but it will take approximately 6 months to complete, as the healing skin must be slowly stretched with the inflatable device over time to accommodate an implant. Once the implant is in, and I'm healed from that, they will cut some scar tissue to make a nipple, and after that heals they will tattoo a nipple on. I will no longer have any sensation in my breasts, and I'm sure that will be an adjustment. Apparently, I shouldn't be able to feel the tattooing, which I guess is a plus. Seeing the photos of the reconstructed breasts has made me physically ill, and I swear I had a nervous breakdown on Monday when I met with the plastic surgeon. It's all these steps that just make it more real and upsetting. In a way, I feel like I losing a big part of what makes me a woman. It's not a pretty surgery or reconstruction - it's nothing like just getting implants.
The day I learned I had to have a mastectomy of my right breast I had to immediately go to the hospital my mother was at and wait there during her almost 5 hour surgery to remove tumors and remove her colon. Her white blood cell count is very low, and everyone felt it was highly unlikely she would make it through surgery. She did make it though, and she's doing well. I have had to go to the cancer ward of the hospital every day though - the last place in the world I wanted to hang out at, which was emotionally draining in it's own right.
I don't want to live the rest of my life like my mother has had to with nearly 10 years of on and off chemo and radiation, and countless surgeries. So as rash as it may seem to some of you to be preventative, I have to weigh my quality and preservation of life against keeping a breast. Something I hope none of you will ever have to go through in your lives.
If the genetic test comes back showing I have the mutation in my gene that shows I don't have the ability to fight off cancer, basically, I will have to make the decision to have my ovaries removed which will put me instantly into menopause and significant bone loss. I really do not want to instantly age. I'm not ready yet. Ovarian cancer has a very high mortality rate, and I will have to go through this decision process all over again if it's found I have the gene mutation. One step at a time though, I need to get through this first.
That's my deal. It all sucks and I'm actually doing a good job of holding it together today, or maybe there's just no tears left. At this time I feel like I need to figure out ways to enjoy my entire intact body for the next 18 days...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Oh K - I'm so so sorry. I have tears in my eyes reading what you have to go through. I'm so sorry. Good luck and please keep us updated. We're all pulling for you. You will be in my thoughts.
Oh D, I don't know what to say. I am so sorry for you and all that you have been and will be going through. I will pray for you as much as I can. I just want to say I know it's hard to think of that part of your body being gone and what you have to go through for the whole process, but look at what a ton of women do to their bodies ON PURPOSE!! You are so much of a beautiful woman with or without your "real breasts"!! You are stunning, smart, successful, strong! A lot of women would give a lot to be what you are. Technology and medicine have come so far, and I know it is probably scary to see all of the details that come with the replacement surgery, but you are being so smart and careful about the whole thing, I do agree with you that it is the best choice. Don't think of it as losing a part that makes you a woman, just embrace the rest!! Embrace your beauty, your style, your femininity!!! Shop, eat chocolate, dress up, do whatever you want because you deserve it!! You caught this thing early and you have so much of your life ahead of you and now you get to live those years with new, cancer free perky breasts!! A lot of women don't get that chance. We are all here for you and I know that with this community praying for you and supporting you, you are going to be just fine. Anytime you need us!!!!!!!!!!
Holy crap, I can't even imagine what this must be like. But, I totally agree w/ the mentality of one step at a time - soon enough this will all be behind you.
D, I am so sorry. And it's weird but I'm also so proud, and so honored to be able to know you. Your ability to make the most reasoned decision in the most trying situation I can imagine just takes my breath away. And your strength in getting through it and updating us and just your overall grace--seriously, you're an inspiration to us all.
and I truly admire your strength your courage and I'm happy you have a wonderful support system in your husband so there is always a comforting shoulder to lean on...which is soo important for you at this time
Hi D, I dont know you very well, but I really wanted to reply to you. From everything you have posted you seem to be a very strong person. I cant imagine what you must be going through but I do think that you are making a very smart choice. I'm sure the reconstructive surgery is not something you want to do, but it is better than having to go through this again right? I wish you all the best!!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh D, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I'll say it again... you are my inspiration. I'm thinking of you. Don't lose this positive attitude and take care of yourself.
I don't even know what to say. My heart really just goes out to you. I can't imagine what you've been through, but you've shown so much strength that I know you're going to be just fine. One step at a time is a good plan of attack.
I know I speak for a lot of ladies here when I say that if you need help with anything, please let me know.
My thoughts exactly. I got all teary-eyed here at work, but I'm somewhat behind a wall, so no one can see. You ARE very brave, I admire you to the utmost power. Much love.
Cricket wrote:
Wow, D. Thanks for the update. You are in my thoughts. You are so brave. We love you, girl!
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
D, thanks for the update! I've been thinking about you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Just be sure to take some time for yourself, maybe you need a spa day! Oh, and like someone else said, you are a beautiful woman inside and out and will always be!
D, I haven't responded before but your mother and you are in my prayers. You are very strong and are definitely making the right decision, painful as it is to deal with this right now. Surgery or no surgery you are still a beautiful, amazing woman! Nothing can take that away from you. Let us know what we can do to be here for you.
wow. I don't know what to say. I think Esquiress said it best (as usual), I'm both very sorry for what you are going through yet proud to *know* you. You have been so strong and have made such difficult decisions with poise and grace.
Oh Kris, I'm at a loss for words myself, but I would like to say that your strength through both ordeals is awe-inspiring. We're here if you need us. I will continue to pray for you and your family.
As far as want to do to get the most out of your entire intact body ... maybe you
P.S. Thanks for the update. I was going to PM you today, then I saw this post. Hang in there -- we do all love you.
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
I can't even tell you how much I admire your courage in dealing with this entire situation, and especially with making the tough, tough choice to have the other breast removed. I can't imagine anyone not fully understanding or fully supporting you in that decision. You're so brave and so strong and truly awe-inspiring.
D, I absolutely think that you are making the right decision and I can't tell you how much I admire your strength & grace in this situation. I'm thinking about you.