Don't even worry, those are the kind of people who have probably been catered to all their lives, who don't have kids, who have NO IDEA what a job it is to run a household and raise children!! I don't even have kids yet and find it very hard work to take care of my home when I come home from work, that's why I want to stop working when I do have children. I know a lot of people who do it, and a lot who can't afford to but wish they could!! Also, I think kids are brought up so much better and are much closer to their families when they have stay at home moms, or at least a family member to take care of them instead of going to day care. I am not saying anything bad about day care kids, but that's a good point to raise when your husband STANDS UP FOR YOU AND TELLS THEM TO SHUT UP!!! I hope you feel better.
Whoa--they're way out of line to say that! But regardless of that, why is your husband repeating that to you? Does he feel like you should go back to work?
Anyway, sorry to hear that those stupid people said that. Try to blow them off as best you can.
Ya know, you get to decide what works best for you and your family, and it isn't anyone else's business whatever that decision may be.
In my experience, the people who make those comments are usually jealous of your situation, and if they were given the opportunity to be in your shoes they would do it in two shakes.
Anyone who is assinine enough to comment on your situation is not someone whose opinion you'd value, anyway.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
thanks girls! i talked to my husband more about it and i guess he was just talking to talk, he didn't mean to hurt my feelings. he said no way does he want me to go back to work cuase of our little one. he also stood up for me but said that who made that comment is someone we could care less about. whatever. thanks again girls. I've missed you all!
Welcome back! Sometimes I can't believe some folks, but that's how they are. I think you deserve to stay at home w/your 4-yr old son, and raise him. To HECK w/what the folks at his job said. Still love your sushi, so cute!
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".