I don't know why, but right now it seems like everything in my life, though small problems (which i do put in perspective), is still making me bummed. Maybe its PMS, I don't know. For example:
1) the boy I like lives almost across the country- we both miss each other a lot and visit every couple of months, but it doesn't change the fact that we probably won't be in the same city for a while, and i know feelings change. Plus, I want to be in a relationship w/him, but i think, man, i should be dating (though I don't want to- mainly because i like him already and don't have anyone to date- nyc dating scene makes me sick)
2) my exbf lives 4 blocks away and called me yesterday (we talk maybe once every few weeks), and I'm still a little upset about the relationship- I'm over it- but i know i still love him- just can't be with him. Our relationship just made me sad all the time.
3) i like my job a lot, extremelllllly good opportunity and i'm learning soooo much- but i don't make nearly as much money as i should, and its hard in nyc to live off of so little. Doable- but I'm always watching myself. Plus, it makes me feel even more tied to this city, which i have such a strong love/hate relationship with. I'm not sure when i'll get a raise, but I hope soon.
4) had a work dinner last night and it was such good food and the convo was good- but it lasted five hours and i felt sick after two, but i felt stuck there for three extra hours since i didn't wanna be the one that left early. so i was doing work stuff from 9 am til 1 am last night, and now i have to go back.
5) my friends + sis are coming up this weekend, they bought tix to a concert at jones beach, and they were gonna stop by my work and we would all drive there together. but now they're going straight to the venue, and it makes me feel left out and sad for some reason, because i won't have anyone in my car and will have to pay for gas/parking myself, and might have to be stuck in 2 hours of rush hour traffic (its a 45 min drive normally). I don't want to do it by myself- i've had such a long week as is.
6) its a milllion degrees and our studio has no ac. its unbearable.
7) my car was broken into last week and all my cds were stolen, and theres still cardboard over my window because i dont want to pay the money to fix it. second time in six months.
8) i have sooo much stuff to sell on ebay, need the money, etc, but i don't have time or feel like putting the effort into listing- such a hassle!!
9) my room is 8 by 8, small closet, and my roommates are immature and messy- and while i love them, i'm sick of the situation. i have a nice place but it rarely looks nice, and sometimes i feel like they are just in a different place in life (never had a serious bf, don't work 9-5 jobs), so i wanna find somewhere else when lease is up (next may), but the price is right here, and they are my favorite people to live with that i've met- i just don't like their habits.
Gosh, i feel like i'm complaining over nothing! so sorry, i'll snap out of it soon.
I'm so sorry. I know what it is like to feel stuck in a rut and not feel happy about most things without knowing why. PMS can play a huge part!!! I think you just really need to take in the good stuff and let it make you happy for as long as you can. My problem was mostly $ when I was feeling in a rut, pretty much all last month. My DH and I are living paycheck to paycheck and were paying the bank a ton of $ in negative account fees. Everytime this would happen I would have a panic attack and freak out, but my DH was always like "why stress about it, we'll get through this" which just made me think he didn't care because he wasn't stressing as much as I was, and then I would be stressed AND mad. Then, I would come home from work and do the laundry, the dishes, clean everything because I like when our place looks nice. My DH doesn't care as much so I would get furious that he wouldn't do anything around our house. I just felt angry and depressed a lot of the time.
I figured out that I needed some ME time and I think you do too. If it's really hot at work, can you get to somewhere air conditioned for lunch? Maybe make a lunch and find a Borders or Barnes and Nobel during lunch or after work to cool off and read all the trashy celeb gossip mags you want without having to buy them. Bring some chocolate for a pick me up snack. Give yourself a chunk of time on the weekend to do something for you/be lazy, I have found that this helps so much. Every Saturday moring I wake up a little earlier then I usually would, put in a movie that I want to watch, and just lay in bed for a few hours in my pj's eating cereal. I find that this makes my weekends seem to go by slower, because I am not trying to do something every second, I am taking some time out for me.
I am sorry you are feeling this way, it will pass, I promise, and we are always here if you need us!
Lynnie, I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. I totally know what it's like - I usually go through this when I'm pms'ing once a month too. Everyone goes through their funks and it always seems like when it rains it pours. Try to think about all the great things in your life - you'll get through it and of course you can always vent to your ST friends
Awww...sending you lots of (((hugs))) and 'cool breeze' wishes. I think we can all identify with you at least some of the time. And I think the heat is making it easier to get upset over smaller things. So blame it on the heat and remember you are fabulous and wonderful and loveable and STYLISH!
Like the other girls already said, it is a cycle, when you feel down, it feels everything is going wrong. But the good thing about cycles is that eventally everything will go right. It may not seem like that right now, but it will. Just relax, take some "me" time, and try to enjoy simple little pleasures. That normally works for me.
Aw, lynnie, I'm sorry. I can completely relate to many of the things you said. I, myself, had a meltdown at work today (crying in the bathroom, etc--not pretty--thank God my boss was out of the office today). Honestly, I just think I need a vacation.
Sorry you're feeling down. Some thoughts that might you feel better -- --My boyfriend lives in freakin France! And he's about to move to Holland for 3 years. Long distance is hard and people kept telling me that I was crazy and should continue to try to see other people but you're right, dating in NYC can suck and you can't really help it if you happen to fall for someone who lives far away, all you can do is go with it and see what happens.
--Have you considered selling your clothes at a store in the city? I've had good luck selling at Beacon's and Buffalo Exchange in Williamsburg and INA in Manhattan. Obviously the places in Williamsburg don't give you a ton of money since they price things fairly low but a lot of my stuff is sample sale things from smaller designers which just don't go well on Ebay. And they'll even take stuff that isn't in perfect condition. BC bought a pair of shoes that were cute but had a small hole in the toe! INA doesn't pay up front b/c it's consignment but they send you checks once a month if anything sells.
--Do you really need the car? I had a car in college and when I moved back to the city after graduation I decided to get rid of it because even though it would have been nice to have, esp. when I lived in Queens, with the parking, theft and vandalism, insurance, repairs, etc. it just seemed like more hassle than it was worth and I knew it would stress me out to have to deal with that.
Ohhhh, I just had another idea! Since you just had your CD's stolen, if you can, get a cheap MP3 player (I got one at Best Buy for under $50) Then you can load all your favorite songs on to it and bring it with you everywhere so you don't have to worry about it getting stolen like your cd's. I know it lifts me up when I am down to put in my headphones and zone out to my favorite music.