My friend was in a fender bender on Monday morning. He was on the entrance ramp, waiting to get on the highway. When two cars ahead of him suddenly braked, causing the car in front of him to also break. By the time he reacted he hit the car in front of him in the back. No damaged was to done to the womens car, but his trailer hitch bumped the bumper. The first car that had orginally breaked, got out of her car and asked the other lady and my friend if they were all right, and once they responded she took off. My friend and the other lady called the police. No damage was done to her car, but my friends front bumper had a slight dent in it.Well today my friend tells me that the lady called him, asking if it was okay for her to go over to his house to take pictures of his car. To give it to the insurance company, so that they could pay for her doctors visit, for the neck pains that she was having. My friend said okay.
Is she allowed to take a picture after a day of the accident, for her purpose. Or should my friend call her and say that he needs to discuss the matter with his inusurance company. Please help with any advice.
i was always advised to take any and all photos at the scene of the accident. i think at this point, it is the insurance agency's responsibility to research the accident and take photographs.
bex wrote: i was always advised to take any and all photos at the scene of the accident. i think at this point, it is the insurance agency's responsibility to research the accident and take photographs.
Agreed. I would make her go through the insurance company.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."