I'm still all for us Texas ST girls meeting, so maybe we can try and plan something in the coming months -- perhaps Aug. or Sept? I would be happy to do the coordinating. I'm in the Dallas area, btw.
Anyone interested? laken? kaykay? Claudia? blubirde? TXgal? i'm sorry if i left anyone else out who resides in TX, but these were the posters that initially came to mind. also, anyone else from the surrounding states -- OK, AR, etc.?
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
Yeah, I am a flake, that's what happened! I didn't have a terrible lot of interest in it the last time I posted about it but I am certainly game. It's just really hard to get everyone on the same page or do it when bunches of us can make it. I wouldn't mind going to Austin either...we could carpool Misty, now that I have a new ride
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I'm sorry yall I know I suck. Stupid CPA exam and work deadlines have killed me. I had such high hopes for this summer but I won't even get to go home till sometime in October.
haha you made me laugh! Well Iam still up for it maybe this time I will have some money put aside. I was looking forward to the one in june but shit happened for me. I need to have at least a month heads up so I can resqust the time off from work
I'm still game, but as yall know, I got sick back in May/June, and am now paying hospital bills, but I still have a little chunk left, so.... I will be on vacation in September (my b-day), and Joe and I will leave for Shreveport on Sept. 7th, so any time after that would be cool. Maybe also when the weather starts to cool off.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I had to get a job this summer and I had a lot of things going on. Hopefully, I can make it this time around. I'm going to start the fall semester and I'm going to be working again.
Okay, so since summer is out, is everyone down for doing something in Oct.? We could do it here or in Austin -- I love A-town and would get to carpool with laken1 in Zooey. So first, let's set a month and location -- October in Austin or Dallas? I hate to be indecisive, but I don't care where we meet so long as we do all meet! And oh yeah, majority rules.
blubirde - LOL at your comment. i guess we do.
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
Kari and I will be up for it! We're in OK (I'm in SE OK near the TX border and she's in OKC) so Dallas would be best for us...but Austin could be fun...
BTW Kari: Yes I did just RSVP for you. We're going. Deal with it. Look how assertive I am!!!!
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
ladysi78250 wrote: Ranchera20 and I could probably go, as long as we are able to set a date ahead in advance. Any dates or specific month that would be good for anyone?
Yup sounds like fun! I think October would be good too. I might have a 3 or 4 day weekend sometime in October which could be the perfect time to meet up!
Of course I am in for something...I just don't want to have to do any decision making or planning. Tell me when and where and I will make it happen!
Misty - I'm glad you brought this up. I knew some gals were trying to get together this summer, but the bar exam completely took over my life...now I can have a little fun! I hope things are going well for you!
Jahni - We could totally road trip it to Austin...we could make our favorite fashion accessory drive us down there!!!
Misty wrote: So, how does Oct. 14 work for everyone's schedule?
October's a crazy month for me (both my two BFFs and my mother's bdays are in Oct.) but I don't what any plans are currently. I'll have to play it by ear if we meet that month.
Misty wrote: So, how does Oct. 14 work for everyone's schedule?
I have a wedding to go to in Tulsa the night before, where you thinking of getting together early that day or later that evening? I could be in Dallas by lunch...Austin would take longer.
So far October is really open for me. September & November are both total nightmares - but I could make any weekend in October so far....and Dallas or Austin are both ok with me.
-- Edited by laken1 at 11:47, 2006-08-16
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad