we, the kitty and I, just moved in with my boyfriend. It took her exactly a week to scratch some holes in his expensive leather couch (which, when he bought, he had no intention of ever sharing with a cat). I am going out tomorrow to get a scratching post and some catnip, but I'm not too optimistic... cats are infamous for not scratching their posts, or not stopping scratching other things as well as their posts.
Anyone have any good ideas? I've also heard that there's a spray for furniture--it's a smell they don't like, so they avoid it.
I'm just worried... I don't want to have to take my poor kitty to get her claws cut off, but I certainly can't ask my boyfriend to stand by without complaint while his couch is ruined.
I've had good success with a spray called "Cat Away." You have to be pretty vigilant and use it every day at first.
You could also try aluminium foil or double sided tape. Both are items that cats don't particularly like to touch. It is ugly at first, but once the cat gets turned off, you can remove it.
My cats have never been fans of scratching posts, but they love a good cardboard box.
I had really good luck with "sticky Paws". It's a double sided tape that won't hurt the furniture, I just put it all along the edges and up the front of the couch. My cat wouldn't touch it. I left it on for about two weeks and I haven't had a problem since. I also put her scratching post right next to the arm of the couch so she'd have it there incase there was any temptation to scratch. My cat also loves the cardboard scratch posts that lay on the ground.
I don't think my cat would EVER let me put these on her. She doesn't like anybody touching her paws because she is self-concious of her little fur tufts between her toes!
My bf and I put Soft Claws on our cat and it worked really well. If you don't want to apply them yourself (it's pretty easy, depending on your cat's temperament) then you can have a vet tech do it for about $15. They last about 6 weeks before the cat's nail sheath sheds and you'll have to reapply. Highly recommend!
My friend's cat wasn't a scratcher until they got a new couch. They found a scratching pad that was laced with catnip oil. It's about the size of a placemat. They just sat it on the floor. The cat *loves* this thing. He scratches it, he rolls on it, he sits on it. It's like crack for cats. He left the couch alone after getting the pad. They did have a problem getting the cat to get off the pad, so they put it away after a while and only got it out if they thought he was going to go back to the couch.
I can't remember what it's called, but they got it at Petsmart or one of those big chain pet stores. It looks kind of like this one:
wow, all the responses are really helpful! I looked on petco.com and there is a cardboard scratching mat with catnip like the one bastet posted that got really good reviews, so I think I'll start with that and a repellent spray for the couch. I like the soft paws idea, but she hates to be held (and completely freaks out every time I take her to the vet) so that probably won't work for her. It just sucks that his couch is so cat-unfriendly... it is dark, glossy leather so every tiny scratch shows up big-time. Thanks girls!