I had a couple charges on my statement that I didn't recognize... the first one I called was a shoe store, who looked up the charge and said sneakers were ordered online and delivered to an address in TX... but my name & billing info was entered!
When I called my credit card co to cancel the card, there were already a couple new charges on there from today - more sneakers!
It will be fine and I'm not worried about recouping the money - but am freaked out that someone has my name, address, billing info, etc. Should I be worried?
If I were you I'd get a copy of your credit report pronto. You should be able to get a free one annually directly from the credit bureau. (they rolled the states out last year, I am pretty sure anyone can get it free now) - don't use a bullship "freecredit report" site - call the credit bureau in your city directly. Worst case is you can get it for $15-20. I would just for piece of mind that the credit card you are aware of is the only thing they are using fradulently. (not your SS#, etc).
Not to scare you, but it does happen.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
You need to call each major credit bureau (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion) and have them put a fraud alert on your report. You also need to have the credit card company cancel your card immediately. If you have been the victim of id theft, you will get your credit reports for free. You need to look at each of the bureaus reports. What is most important is that you look at the history section of each report regarding where you have "applied" for credit. If you see an entry that is not related to a request you have for credit, you need to call that business, etc. and have them do a check on your name, address and SSN to assure that the fraudster is not applying for other credit in your name.
Also, if you don't already do this, cross-shred all of your important docs and information, do not fully list your name on websites or in the telephone directory and never, EVER use your mothers maiden name as your security code.